

Such is the world we live in. There will always be someone who can find the answer to complicated questions, while the more basic and simple questions are sometimes even tougher to get an answer to. This was because these simple questions were usually the fundamentals — like why do apples fall onto the ground? Why are the earth and bubbles round? As simple as these questions sound, only people with true wisdom can answer them. To answer simple questions like these, it would take a complete understanding of the nature of the world we live in.

Why must the handle of a spear be flexible? This question tested Yan Liqiang's understanding of the properties of a spear.

Although Yan Liqiang had technically lived two lives, with his brain stuffed with all kinds of scientific knowledge and life experiences, he could not think of an answer to Li Hongtu's question no matter how much he tried squeezing his brain.

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