
Martial Warrior

It went without saying that the 'immersive tour' Yan Liqiang prepared for Lu Beixin wasn't limited to only Ye Xiao's grand manor which had been seized.

But of course, Lu Beixin had no idea what a chain of custody was.

The next day, Yan Liqiang brought Lu Beixin to visit a few residences in Pingxi City. They 'expressed their sympathy' to the families that lost their children and gave each clan ten taels of silver out of good will.

Seeing those families that lost their daughters and witnessing their pain of losing a family member, Lu Bexin was extremely disturbed as she listened to the parents, siblings, and neighbors of those commoners recount the scene of identifying their own daughter's remains being dredged up from the bottom of the well. The impact of this was slowly gnawing away the firm belief in her heart that Wang Haofei was a good person.

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