
Heads Rolling

Editor: Larbre Studio

The banquet continued, but the leader of Heaven Track Field, leader of Black Demon Field Qiong Lin, and the four four-winged red angels led a large group of the Heaven Field sect through the Free Trade Yard.

The six were all powerful existences in their own right. When they walked together, the saintly might that spread out made the cultivators from weaker worlds all retreat into the distance.

"I knew that the Heaven Field clique would do something big. Two world leaders and four four-winged red angels will definitely crush those two troublemakers."

"If you offend the Heaven Field sect, you'll suffer bad consequences."

There was also a faceless monk with the six powerful figures.

The faceless monk wasn't any weaker than a four-winged red angel. His name was Faceless and he had broken into the forbidden zone with Xiang Chunan and Nie Zhan. He escaped in the end.

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