
First Place

Editor: Larbre Studio

"Damn it. How can I possibly fight Chu Siyuan? That Princess Luosha is just trying to use me to check Chu Siyuan. I can't believe anything Princess Luosha says."

Qiu Yu was pissed, but sadly, he didn't have a choice but to fight Chu Siyuan.

He couldn't go back to Kunlun's Field anymore, so he couldn't lose the support of Princess Luosha.

Princess Luosha threw out the Merits Record Wall, which flew in the sky like a stone mountain.

Zhang Ruochen rushed toward the Merits Record Wall and jumped up.

He immediately felt a great danger going after him, so he took out the Monument Shield to ward it off.


A saint sword hit the Monument Shield, forming circles of energy ripples, knocking Zhang Ruochen away.

The saint sword flew back to Sword Master Dongliu's hand.

There was a boat engulfed in flames under Sword Master Dongliu's feet. He was wearing iron armor, and his eyes were gleaming.

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