
Chapter 3670-super powerful

The Golden Leopard was on the verge of tears.

He had spent a lot of money to invite three immortal Dao experts to hold the fort. He had thought that he would be able to defeat Chen Xiaobei and Xu Tianxin.

Who dared to think about it?

These three powerful celestial cultivators wanted to take Xu Tianxin as their disciple at this critical moment?

The important thing was that these three powerful immortal cultivators were not from ordinary small forces. They were from the strongest immortal sect in the entire East region of Xuan Yu heaven, the eastern tomb immortal Palace!

The master would definitely protect her disciple. As long as Xu Tianxin agreed, the three Eastern tomb powerful cultivators would immediately change sides and help Xu Tianxin deal with the Golden Leopard. Furthermore, the Golden Leopard would not even have a chance to fight back!

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