O’Brien Empire. The imperial palace.
That handsome young man, Adkins, who had been seated in a resting room, chatting and laughing, suddenly stopped smiling. He stared coldly towards the north, letting out an icy snort. “This Beirut really does have the power of a Highgod. However, he’s a bit too ferocious.”
“Lord Adkins.” That silver-haired old man behind him said respectfully, “This Beirut acts ferociously, but he has the ability to back it up.”
“He just relies on the Sovereign behind him to back him up.” Adkins’ slender eyebrows narrowed. His eyes were as sharp as dagger.
But Adkins knew very well that although Highgods had completely mastered their Law, in front of a Sovereign…a single thought from the Sovereign could kill the Highgod. Sovereigns were far above them, inviolable presences that could only be gazed upon in awe.
“If…if I could…” Adkins’ had a desire in his heart.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: