The novel really started well and promising, but turned to the worse. Characters were not developed, the world become too wide, but doesn't posses depth at all, areas are there just to pass through and forget about them. Things which the MC learns and gather are not used, aside from maybe once or twice in the following Chapters.
MC gets progressively stronger and meets progressively stronger enemies, which he beats easily by his overwhelming experience from past life, good looking girls swarm to him ... and that's basically it.
Could've been great, turned into a train-wreck in my opinion.
Translation is very good, updates are really slow, story is basically a circle, characters aside from MC are nonexistent and even he is a cliche in therms of OP MC due to reincarnation basing all of his motives, moves and decision on his past life and nothing turn out of the expected.
World background is on decent level, but never developed more then the passing presence of the MC, which aside from the start is usually very short.
Would not suggest to any reader, aside from those who really are into the cliche of OP, reincarnation and harem.