
Small Town

Editor: Sparrow Translations

There were a large number of cultivators who are very out of place as compared to the residents of this town, showing up here.

They rode a variety of fierce beasts and looked majestic.

"Listen up everyone, in a few days, it is the day of Ji's celebration! You guys will all receive a reward!"

A knight in black armour and riding on the dragon beast said loudly.


"Thanks to the great ones!"


There are bursts of gratitude in the crowd, these are the residents of the town.

"However, you all have to be alert. Someone might try to ruin the celebration! You are here as the gateway guards to the place, you must be vigilant. If you find strangers, you must report them to us immediately!"

The black knight said, "We shall station here for the time being!"

"Do not worry oh great ones, we will watch here diligently and will not let even a single bad guy get away!" someone in the crowd shouted.

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