My second review, as I don't know where my first has gone to.
Alright, I have to admit, after writing my first review on this novel, I have soldiered on and read up to chapter 51, hoping to see any changes in the translation quality.
There are improvements, alright. The wordings has gotten much better comparing to its darker past, and yay! The translator has found his space button!
However, the price for it was a massive plunge for my IQ. I swear, I could feel I'm getting more and more stupid as I read this novel. The wordings is ridiculous and the story is even more.
For an example, there is absolutely zero moral lesson in this story, which there maybe are two reasons for it: The story is made just to satisfy our primal pleasures, which are violence, domination, and *beep*. Or the lessons in it are unfathomably deep and are hidden behind layers upon layers of sophisticated and complex details, events, and the people in the story.
Which, I highly doubt it.
The plot, events and unexpected encounters are just there to polish the mc's ass, which has become extraordinarily shiny in the recent chapters. (Man, so shiny, more than Mr. Crab in Moana). As for the other characters, they all have one thing in common: their character. (Lol) Apparently, the author is fond of the thing called 'mob psychology', because there is no such thing as 'individualism' in this novel, even for the named ones. (Hah!) Their 'characteristics' are very repetitive, even more so for the mc's companions, as if they are long lost brothers and sisters with different sizes and shapes. If the author wants to give them some stage time, then they will get professional and act like how the author had described them as. But if he doesn't want to, hide away the name and I dare you say who is who.
Really, guy, there are tons of novels like this out there that have the same ruthless protagonists with their own ass-kissing squads, harems, systems and power ranger's enemy-tier antagonists. Search them up in novel updates and you will find dozens in an instant, at least they have a moral lessons, unlike this, and their mcs don't have the fetish of swallowing flesh, blood and ****** stupid judgement like sleeping before the end of the world without the door key.
But the world is good, thou. I have to give them that.