The little azure dragon stopped, and deliberately rubbed its forehead. "I underestimated you. You actually managed to block a hundred moves from Grandpa Dragon."
He had won?
Niu Tengfei didn't look happy at all, only feeling endless humiliation.
As a dignified Silver Generation elite, in a one-on-one situation, he could only barely block a hundred moves, and that was under the condition that the other had given him a handicap of one hand.
This was practically a great humiliation!
"Yi, Brother Niu?" At this moment, a voice was heard, causing everyone to turn around and look.
A group of seven people walked over from the left. The person who had spoken was tall and slender, with a dignified bearing. There were two snakes of light entwined around him, one silver and one gold, and they evolved into all kinds of mysterious manifestations.
Niu Tengfei glanced at him and nodded. "Brother Lian."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: