The chariot seemed to be moving very slowly, but in truth, it was astonishingly fast. It was clearly just a revolution of its wheels, but boundless distance had been left behind.
Ling Han remained silent. Since this elite didn't like to talk, it was best that he didn't disturb him.
Villains usually died from speaking too much. Though he was not a villain, he still had some self-awareness.
After walking for half a day, they had reached the end of the plain. A bare mountain appeared ahead of them, with only strangely shaped rocks. As for plants, they did not exist at all.
Ling Han leaped onto the ground, then turned around, and bowed respectfully towards the man in armour, "Thank you, Senior."
The chariot slowly stopped, and the man in armour didn't respond.
Ling Han bowed again before turning around to leave.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: