
Where's the Surprise I Wanted?

The weather was gloomy and cold. The moment Lou Cheng, who was filled with excitement and joy, stepped out of the station; he could not help but shiver. The difference between the cold dry wind in Yanling and the freezing temperature in Xiushan was that the latter could chill one to the bone. It was the kind of cold that one could not withstand even with the windbreakers on, not to mention that Lou Cheng was currently weak and sick.

"Luckily, I am smart enough to put on extra clothing before alighting." Lou Cheng praised himself. He took out his cell phone and started taking photos of the nostalgic sky and the distant landmark building of Xiushan - the Tower Building. He then sent them to Yan Zheke, grinning and said, "Find them familiar?"

Yan Zheke replied with an amazed emoji. "Kind of miss my home all of a sudden... "

"Then take me as your substitute and I'll enjoy Xiushan on your behalf," said Lou Cheng as he laughed delightfully.

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