
Facing the stubborn front of the old man, Benjamin would have been long gone by now. However, the old man’s attitude did provoke Benjamin’s fighting spirit in some ways. He simply wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if he were to give up.

Therefore, he decided to seek some drastic measures.

"Senior, I’m not sure if you know, but the mage guild is getting ahead of themselves. You may be able to hide in a remote town and live a peaceful life in this shop, but this life will not be for long."

The old man didn’t even bother to lift his head, "What are you trying to say?"

Benjamin replied, "Not much. It’s just some news I happened to hear of while passing by Regina — The Queen could no longer stand the mages in Icor who refuse to obey her. In a few days, the mage guild will be sending more people. Your shop... would probably close down soon by then."

Upon hearing that, the old man finally lifted his head once again.

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