After the banquet, everyone knew better than to disturb Wang Zheng and Aina. The international situation was very tense. This was the time when danger and opportunities co-existed. Yan Xiaosu and Ye Zisu didn't want to miss out on this opportunity and therefore busied themselves with it.
Wang Zheng and Aina completely ignored the disputes of the outside world as they enjoyed this space of their own, breathing the air of freedom and love. Wang Zheng was in a great place since he was with Aina. He thought it might be short-lived, but he realized that he was immersed in it. Aina seemed to be constantly nourishing his state.
Aina had the same feeling ever since they joined their bodies. Her spiritual world had become clearer. She thought at first that it was because Tita was filled with nature and vitality. Of course, it was no longer the natural state when she felt the breath of nature.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: