Dinner was the fish that Wang Zheng caught in the river and some meat hunted during the day. Tita was similar to Earth in many ways. The Titans were also similar to humans, other than their size. Aina was filled with laughter throughout the day, and excitement grew as night fell.
When Wang Zheng shut the door and Aina couldn't hear anything but her beating heart. They nearly went ahead with it a few times previously, which could have been hormones. But today, Aina had thought it over carefully and had decided.
More awkwardly, Wang Zheng, the Greatest King, was a little excited and nervous. This feeling wasn't easy to describe, but he was a little at a loss. All these negative feelings stopped once he saw Aina. You didn't need to think about anything else when the most beautiful girl in the world was in front of you.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: