Bolet was deeply convinced that right from the beginning, Wang Zheng was fighting alone. He was using his actions as an example. The people around him were all rather talented. When Wang Zheng began to create miracle after miracle, changes began to happen in the hearts of these people. They finally exploded on the stage of this SIG. It might seem to be luck, but this was an eventuality.
Many a time, in order to create a miracle, one had to hold on to the last breath. One foot in heaven, one foot in hell.
As a general and a leader, he could see things at much deeper levels.
Lie Xin gave everyone a warm hug. She did not care about the Heavenly Fire Technique. The reason why she had fought so hard was not for her family, but rather for her brothers, her teammates. This victory was dedicated to them!
"Oh, hey, as the injured, I should be getting a longer hug." Zhang Shan was not satisfied yet.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: