Wang Zheng stood there. This knife wound had opened again, but that was no longer important.
Wang Zheng looked at Jondi Lilick and Qiqin Nacchai. Manalasuo and Lya Sphinx. And a whole crowd's hungry eyes behind. Perhaps today would be the end. But he would let Kashawen know that this meant nothing.
"Are you coming all together, or one by one?" Wang Zheng said. His voice was even, and his knife steady.
Jondi Lilick, as a Manalasuo person, liked this guy. Besides that he was soft, he was basically the perfect opponent. But how much did he have left? 30%? 50%?
If it were not for Aina, he would have been unwilling to fight under such circumstances. But he knew that this was no time to be naive. He had passed that age. But it was not very honorable to fight now.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: