From the side, Gail was whooping and cheering, egging Wang Zheng on. Ling Luoyu and Mo Ling hurried hurriedly held him back.
"Grandpa, are you even looking at the situation? Wang Zheng is no match for Zhao Zhenjian."
"Who says you can only cheer when you have a chance of winning? I just like the way this guy welcomes difficulties head on." Gail puffed. "What do you two young wenches know? Your eye for people is still lacking."
Gail took on the age-experience stance, and dismissed Ling Luoyu and Mo Ling out of hand.
Wang Zheng rode out on the Snow Goddess. The crowd muttered, evidently thinking that Wang Zheng was about to disgrace the mecha.
Zhao Zhenjian's Icy Rose mech activated as well. The corner of his mouth twitched. All the momentum was with him now. He would teach this little brat a lesson today!
As the Icy Rose suddenly charged towards Wang Zheng, the entire arena was filled with chilly air. Ability X?
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: