Lear already had a whole crowd flocking to him. They had suddenly realized how much easier and better Lear was to get along with compared to Achilles, and how could they have not realized this earlier?
Wang Zheng's side was also obviously ecstatic.
"Wang Zheng, this is a once-in-a-blue-moon chance!" Zhang Shan rubbed his hands with glee. Why pass up on a chance that fell from heaven on a silver platter?
"Wang Zheng, we support you. If you can beat Lear, you'll be so awesome!" Yuan Ye chimed in. Compared to following Lear, they might as well support Wang Zheng, no matter how miniscule the chances of winning were.
This had become a contest between Zeus College and Ares College again.
Who was actually the strongest military college?
Fatty's face was contrite as he walked in front of Lie Xin. "I'm sorry, it was my fault."
Lie Xin waved it off. "Forget it."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: