
Abandoned by the World

To the south of Mingwen Girls Middle was a very extravagant shopping mall.

Normally around this time, the shopping mall plaza would be occupied by a large group of aunties, all formed into a colony under the melody of Little Apple.

Today, there was not a single soul in this plaza. The aunties who once disregarded the weather to be here might never dare to take make a show of their happiness here again. This was because just the night before, they had seen a group of Magic Wolves swallowing their dance partners in single gulps.

The bloodstains had already been washed off by the rain, and what remained on the ground was the remains of humans. Seeing this made many people feel like vomiting.

In the surroundings of the plaza a few low growl and roars arose, and occasionally there’d be a miserable shriek breaking through. With that, one would immediately know that there was one more person being eaten by a Magical Beast.

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