
I'll Dare to Pick it Up If You Dare to Throw it Away


Today, when Zheng Tan went to Jiao Wei's family restaurant for lunch, he saw A Jin standing under a tree in front of the restaurant.


Yesterday when A Jin lost his wallet and phone, he didn't immediately contact anyone he knew. So Zheng Tan ended up bringing him to Jiao Wei's family store.


Jiao Wei's mother's attitude towards him made A Jin made him feel extremely awkward. He originally wanted to write up a note stating how much he owed, but Jiao Wei's mum said: "Black Charcoal brought you over, what debt, count this meal on aunty!"


Now, at least Jiao Wei's mum had a better idea of the happenings. From what she heard from Jiao Wei, her attitude towards Zheng Tan had completely changed from how she would usually treat cats back in the village. After doing business for this many years, she had improved her eye for things. A Jin did not seem like an inherently bad person. Besides, the meal was only 10 yuan. It wasn't necessary to fuss over that much. She'd simply treating it as an opportunity to build a better relationship.


After eating dinner at the restaurant last night, A Jin carried his guitar and walked towards the plaza. Actually, if Zheng Tan didn't bring him here, he would've directly gone to the plaza to sing. After earning some money there, he'd then have bought himself a filling meal.


This afternoon, Jiao Wei's mum sat in the door way to take a break after washing up all the vegetables. Once school was over, traffic would start to increase. She had been occupied till 1. So with the opportunity, she decided to take a short break. BUt she didn't expect to see A Jin again so soon.


A Jin came back to eat. This time, he brought his own money. He used the earnings from last night to buy some fruits as a form of thanks. After spending all of this, he didn't have much more on him. All he had left was some bus fare. He was considering that if it was too hard, he might as well make a trip back and withdraw some more money. He was glad that when he decided to come out that he hadn't also brought out his ID and bank cards. His wallet only contained the 2000 yuan he had withdrawn at the time. If he lost money, it was just money. But losing ID and a bank card would have been a massive headache.


When A Jin came over in the afternoon, he happened to see Er Mao getting take out. He saw Er Mao two times previously. He understood that Er Mao had a close relationship with Wei Ling.


Er Mao had recently been going to the night tower more recently with Qin Shou. Wei Ling had also mentioned A Jin and the rest of the band to him. He had gone to watch a few performances so he recognized A Jin. Even if he wasn't completely sure, he was completely sure after seeing the cat necklace that hung around A Jin's neck.


Nowadays, the days were warmer. Er Mao wasn't sleeping in all the time either. Everyday around this time, he would arrive at the restaurant to grab food. He had even gone to the supermarket to buy two thermoses. He handed over the empty thermos and retrieve the thermos that Jiao Wei's mother had filled with rice and vegetables for him. He left it by him. He wasn't in a rush to leave, so he sat and started to chat with A Jin.


Hearing that A Jin had lost his phone and wallet, Er Mao expressed his thoughts. Nowadays there were quite a few thieves on the streets, especially around the school. There were also quite a few around the commercial streets. A Jin's situation wasn't that much out of the ordinary.


"Want me to borrow you some cash?" Er Mao asked out loud.


A Jin respectfully declined. The last time he had seen Er Mao he was together with a few rich playboys. He probably was a rich playboy himself. With this type of person, if he chose the wrong words, he could easily find himself disliked.


"Oh." Er Mao wasn't bothered that his offer was declined. "I was just saying, but I didn't even bring a cent out today."


A Jin: "..."


"However…..." Er Mao stretched, "If you are familiar with that cat, you might as well stick close to it. You won't starve if you do."


After finishing his words, Er Mao picked up his thermos and walked out and passed by meeting Zheng Tan who only arrived moments afterwards.


The last line that Er Mao said definitely sounded like a joke. This sounded incredulous to the people around there, but A Jin knew that it was the absolute truth. Seeing the attitude that the restaurant boss and the boss's wife had towards Zheng Tan, A Jin couldn't help but sigh. These people didn't even have it as good as the cat. Look at these people, how much pride they had.


Yesterday, Zheng Tan had simply left A Jin by himself at the restaurant and went on his way to pick up You Zi. He didn't think that he'd still see A Jin here in the afternoon.


A Jin waved a greeting to Zheng Tan and left the store. He didn't bother Zheng Tan's lunch time. He wanted to walk around Chu Hua University. He had never been enrolled in a university, so coming to such a prestigious university, he might as well walk around since he was in the area.


In the afternoon, when Zheng Tan prepared to leave to go on a casual stroll, he managed to bump into the casually walking A Jin. A Jin even suggested that Zheng Tan take him on a tour of the school. But today Zheng Tan had already made up his mind to go back to the overpass to test the patience of the blind old man. He had no time to waste with A Jin.


Seeing as Zheng Tan didn't respond to him, A Jin thought that the cat simply didn't understand him. But when he saw Zheng Tan start on a path out of the campus, A Jin thought for a moment before running after Zheng Tan. Thus, a person and a cat, once again came to the top of the overpass.


After arriving to the top of the overpass, what caused A Jin the most surprise was that not too far from the blind old man, by the railings were the very wallet and phone he thought he lost yesterday.


Asking the vendor who carried a basket of mangoes, he understood that the phone and wallet were put there this morning by the blind old man.


A Jin opened up his wallet to check. Not a single penny was lost. His phone was off, but as soon as he powered it back on, he checked through that all the components were working. His call list was all intact as well.


Not only A Jin, but Zheng Tan was also astonished. Could this blind old man actually be some big figure? He had overheard Wei Ling and Ye Hao's conversation and understood that if there was no way, there would be no means. It was impossible to have so easily to find something that was lost.


But what put Zheng Tan off the most that most people had a bulls temper. What about this old man? He even went up to pluck strands out of the old man's beard. There was no reaction from the old man, and no one was sent after him either.


When Zheng Tan and A Jin arrived, the old man had already started to play on the Er Hu.


The song was different from the one that was played yesterday. It didn't have the sorrowful sound to it, nor did it have the same genre as yesterday's tunes. It did bring about a certain calm, thought it felt strange. At this time of day with the weather and environment, people should have been feeling tired and irritated. Of course, for Zheng Tan who had no care for appreciation for this sort of thing, whatever he felt, was simply just that.


Without interrupting the old man, A Jin was prepared to go up to the old man after is song finished to thank him. He walked over to the slide and leaned on the railing to continue to listen to the old man's er hu. A Jin really admired this blind old man. Even though A Jin believed that he had practiced for long enough to acquire some decent skills, but it was obviously not yet enough. If he was the one who was here performing, he'd easily be distracted by the beeping sounds of the flowing traffic. Some impatient drivers would either constantly beep other drivers or keep it pressed for an extended amount of time. Someone without that type of mentality, would probably swallow all the following lyrics of the song after a single beep from a car.


To put it in simpler terms, it was simply a question of mentality. But to do what this blind old man was achieving was definitely not easy. To maintain this mentality and keeping calm was not an easy feat.


Of course, even if he was able to tune out the noise of the oncoming traffic, A Jin wouldn't choose to play guitar here. Even though he had no clue as to why the nearby vendors treated the old man so uniquely, he wasn't going to come here to compete. Since the old man got his wallet and phone back, A Jin decided to not come here to perform.


Zheng Tan didn't understand how to appreciate music. He walked to the old man and looked up to catch a view of the old man's expression.


But it was still the same as yesterday. Both his eyes were closed. His face left no traces of emotion. So, it was extremely eye-catching to see his long whiskers billowing in the wind.


However, there were still a couple of misgivings. Zheng Tan set his heart on watching to the end. At this moment, he wouldn't be pulling on the beard anymore, but settled down in front of the coin box. Out of boredom, he started to count the earning the old man had accumulated today.


Just as he was in the middle of counting coins, a shadow appeared over him. Zheng Tan raised his head and checked out the person who stood in front of him. More correctly, in front of the old man. The man had an exaggerated look about him which was laced with arrogance, by him stood a young woman who caught the eye of many. The surrounding people's sight were all drawn to her ample breast and towering porcelain like legs.


"Well played." the person said. Then he pulled out a new hundred yuan note from his wallet and flung it downwards.


Zheng Tan took a look at the money that had fallen on the floor. If not half a meter, this note was at least 40 cm away from the wooden box. Bringing his head up again to take a good look at the people before him, he noticed the man didn't have the intention to pick up the note and drop it properly into the wooden box. Instead the man waited with an expectant expression, probably waiting for the old man to get up to pick up the money.


This was an obvious insult. The surrounding people who saw the scene unfold had different reactions. Some were prepared to be entertained, others were disgusted at what was happening, but no one made any specific moves. They weren't prepared to get involved with this young master who didn't look like he lacked resources.


A Jin took another look, and weighed whether or not he should step in. Anyways, this type of humiliation for your average street performer was expected, and it helped build up their resistance to such occurrences. Though, the moment A Jin was about to approach the old man, he noticed the black cat that crouched by the wooden box going after the loose pieces of cash that started to blow away in the wind. Then it would drop the cash back into the box. What-more, after dropping in the sheets of cash, the cat swirled its paws within the box, making sure that the coins held down the sheets of cash. As to prevent the cash from flying away in the wind.


Throughout this entire process, other than noticing the entire scene unfold before him, he also felt a slight shift in the music that the blind old man played. From calm to a creeping chill, then to comforting. But then when he listened carefully again, he didn't find anything off. Could a single song have so many transitions? A Jin was doubtful. Maybe he was just hallucinating.


From the moment the man had flung out the money to now, the old man hadn't slowed down the movement of playing his Er Hu. As if he was completely oblivious to the world around him.


Passerbys did not expect to witness something like this. The man took out another hundred dollar bill and flung it on the floor. Zheng Tan continued with his previous set of actions.


After dropping the bill in the box, Zheng Tan looked towards the man who stood in front of him. You want to throw bills, than old boss here will pick them up. I'm only a cat now anyways, what face do I have to lose. And today's' earnings weren't much in comparison to the usual. Though he hadn't finished counting, but Zheng Tan estimated there to be approximately 80 or so dollars. To have someone drop a hundred bucks this easily, it would be a waste to let it go.


This type of idiot who along with his dumb money and bad personality probably had some intense IQ problems. Zheng Tan had seen his fair share of people like this. Even he had done similarly similar things in his past. Now that he thought of it, he wished he could bury it back into the furthest reaches of his mind.


After the man through down 5 hundred dollar notes, the girl who stood beside him finally couldn't take it anymore and tugged on his shirt and whispered something to him. That person shoved his wallet back into his packet and left quickly with a look of annoyance.




Unsure of who it was that started, the surrounding vendors all started to laugh one after another.


"Ah, raising a cat is so nice."


Zheng Tan ignored the surrounding gossip. He turned back and took another look at the old man and as expected, the old man's expression were still unchanged.


Soon, Zheng Tan decided to leave the bridge. A Jin also followed closely behind. Now, having reunited with his wallet, he probably should go back to buy that chicken fillet. Moreover, he was planning to check out Chu Hua University later. With all the wandering he did today, he finally had a sliver of inspiration. There was no way he was going to let that all go.


Not long after Zheng Tan departed, the old man stopped player. He simply held the Er Hu and sat there quietly and waited till the sun set to pack up.


"Ah, isn't this longer than what the old man usually play for." the mango vendor whispered to the toy vendor.


"...Maybe he's in a good mood. He got 500 bucks within a single afternoon." The toy vendor spoken solemnly with envy.


What the old man thought though, now that was the true secret.

Next chapter