"You should get married here! The sky will be the ceiling, and the earth will be the floor. Everyone here will be invited. Nothing would be more meaningful than a wedding ceremony like this one! One couple getting married sounds lonely, but... Just wait!"
Qin Guan ran back to his own tent, where Wang was busy working on something. She suddenly saw her boss rush in like a madman.
"Can we have a wedding ceremony here?"
"A wedding ceremony!"
"For whom? You and Cong Nianwei? Here? Are you okay? Is there something wrong with you?"
Qin Guan suddenly realized something. "Ha! I could also get married here! What a meaningful ceremony that would be! You are a really good assistant, Wang. That's a great idea! I'll discuss it with Cong Nianwei immediately."
Before Wang could regret saying anything, Qin Guan was gone with the wind. He ran to get his wife as fast as he could. Cong Nianwei accepted his proposal without hesitation.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: