She had good reason to look down upon Xu Ruoxuan. Taiwanese actors always gave unconventional performances. They were good enough for indie films, but acted strange during emotional scenes about hate between families or nations. Their Taiwanese accent and performance were too dramatic.
The crew blocked an ancient street in Zhangzhou. A small century-old villa of European style was revealed to the visitors.
Flowerpots with kaffir lilies were placed on the balcony, and a semi-finished oil painting was set on the shelf next to the columns, around which were rare painting tools of the time. These details told the audience that this was a rich, tasteful family.
As the camera zoomed into the room, it felt almost like it was going back in time. Everyone saw the interior of the occidental home. There was a wooden tea table of European style, a whole set of Isabel tableware, and an elegant cheongsam in the room.
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