Someone else might have considered the golden figurine a lifetime achievement, but Qin Guan did not. He always followed his gut.
"Brokeback Mountain" wouldn't be accepted by most Chinese people and some conservative towns and states in America. A script with such a deep analysis of human nature would never be turned down by a director, but Qin Guan turned it down for himself and his Chinese fans.
Destroying his career over one film would be irresponsible. Li An clinked his glass against Qin Guan's in disappointment and changed the topic.
They actually had a lot in common. Li An was sad about Qin Guan's decision, but he also knew that customs did not accept certain violations. In the future, he would be more careful when it came to China.
That matter was only a trifle for the Dubai Film Festival though. The beautiful city had completed its first trial for an international film event.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: