Before he could rejoice, his leg was hit hard again. The hit was strong enough to make the pork on his chopsticks fall back on the pile of rice. The juices splashed his face, creating several funny red spots.
Qin Guan looked up in confusion. He was right. It had been Zhou Xue who had kicked him.
"What's wrong, Sister?"
Qin Guan smiled brightly at Zhou, wiping the juices off his face.
Zhou was shocked. There was only one word echoing in her mind. "Sister... Sister... Sister..."
Zhang suddenly flushed. As the oldest among the three, all he could do was stand up silently and leave. He was a well-bred man after all.
As soon as he entered a small room to get some rest, he spit his rice out.
"Ha ha! That boy is so funny! Water! Where is some water? I'm choking! I need some water!"
Unaware of what was happening, Qin Guan fixed his sparkling eyes on Zhou, waiting for her reply. Why did you kick me so hard? What happened?
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: