The deafening applause was much louder than the one the pole dancers had received one year ago in Los Angeles.
"That was so cool! I can eat more later!"
"Exactly! This was a show for men!"
I saw you cast a longing look at the girls' legs! Tommy gazed at the man angrily, but didn't argue.
The curtains fell down. When the Broadway dancers got on the stage, Qin Guan clapped along with his friends from the backstage area.
There was no such thing as an endless meal. The leftovers on the buffet signalled the end of the splendid party. Henry though, who was a conscientious man, would never abandon his benefactor as soon as he didn't need his help anymore.
He watched the bold Asian guys chat excitedly backstage, hunched over their plates. The police station had offered the actors a free lunch. Qin Guan had specifically asked for takeaway vegetarian meals for the masters of the Shaolin Temple.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: