
The truth behind the scenes

Editor: Translation Nation

Viewing that his Symbolic sword unexpectedly couldn’t cut through a fleshy hand, Little Lord Fokke fumed out.

"Ye, have been feigning, all this while!"

Sheyan slowly stood up with his head still inclined down. His eyes were covered by his hair, but his body was exuberating an exceedingly bewildering baleful aura!

One could clearly observe, the black gaseous strands emitted from Little Lord Fokke were hovering around Sheyan’s mouth, nose, ears and eyes. Instead, they appeared like dew on a lotus leaf, seemingly unable to pervade in.

"Ah, you got it right. My painstaking contemplation and forbearance in arranging layers of plans.....everything, was all in anticipation for this moment!"

"Today is the lowest and weakest point of your life, Mr Fokke. You shall surely die by my hands!"

At this instant, the clouds above dispersed away as the bewitching and deathly pale moonlight cascaded down onto Sheyan’s body.

Instantly, something weird occurred.

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