
CHAPTER 83 - Covert Operations


Sage didn't think that time would almost take too long, coming from the mystical shadows she had sent before to spy on every unknown enemies that are lurking somewhere and report back to her quickly when they find or discover something that would endanger her family and her country.

However, she let herself be calm and composed and patiently wait since there's no hurry upon her magical spies to come back and return to her with whatever reports they would have. For there's at least some other matters that she need to be concern with, that are only light ones that she can easily deal with.

Especially when those particular light matters also concern with Prince Yue of Southirea.

So far, he's been polite and overly-nice towards her, but Sage knew better than to fall for such good manners when it comes to the Southirea Prince because she still believes that he still has nefarious intentions towards her and her sisters, even though he has consented into signing a contract and had done the solid vow on promising to not reveal any secrets hidden within Northia.

But despite the time that Prince Yue has been doing good, ever since the day he had signed the contract, Sage still kept her eye on him, always watching him until the moment comes that he would betray them, even just by the slightest.

But right now, she's focusing on finishing and completing those light small matters and be done with it, so she can deal with the major ones later and have no problems on having a clear mind instantly when they come to her next.

It took a few hours to get those small and light matters sorted out from the paperwork she has done in her private office. And after she was done with them, she delivered them to the specific various parties into making sure that the matters she have politically written and contracted with has been sent to the people who will fulfil the orders and advice that she has written out to and for.

After she's done, she relaxed for a moment in the private room, thinking deeply and silently to herself all alone, like she's trying to meditate deeply into her mind, to think on the important and grave matters to her own.

It wasn't very long until then when the shadows she had been waiting for patiently, came to her almost in a fast blur on the floor and Sage nearly jumped and drew out her hidden weapon upon her person, but she instantly relaxed when she realized that it's her magical spies that returned to her, to give their reports.

Sage noted that there were only a few shadows that came back to her, and they materialized in front of her eyes into shapeless forms, almost like children as they huddled closer by her legs and started whispering in their shadow language softly while she listened to them attentively.

When they're done, she nodded and thanked the shadows for a good job well done, and they shivered and trembled like they're very happy with the praise, before she gestured to them to return to their spy duties so that she'll get more whenever needed or so.

They did her bidding without complaints and Sage watched them leave like a speedy blur again, almost disturbing the silent air as they sped fast onto the darkness like the hollow sounding wind. But she ignored that as she went back to writing more paperwork on her desk, like she's making up more plans or something to deal with the reports that were given to her by her magicked shadow spies.

After Sage was done with them and the written preparations and notes needed, she kept them safely locked and tight on her desk, in the compartment that is enchanted carefully with traps so that no one would dare to break into it, either friend or foe and then Sage left her office to go back to her rooms to rest for another day.

Just as she was heading to her quarters, which she still shared with the Southirea Prince, she thought to herself silently as she walked down the path towards her main chambers.

Hopefully, with these covert operations that Sage discreetly made up with the small army forces that she has planned and written up on the papers, she would be able to deal with the enemies and fight against them, so that she wouldn't have her other sisters worrying and try to help her out in these particular matters that would endanger their homeland and country of Northia.

Sage truly hoped that everything will turn out alright in the end, and she won't have any more problems arising into her station for her to deal with so that she wouldn't feel so much stress and becoming more conflicted when it comes to making decisions and choices that some of them she had made before, she might regret them.



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