The fifth Boss was Teron Gorefiend.
Teron Gorefiend was quite a famous character. This was because he was the first Death Knight in history.
As a Warlock, Teron was quite powerful. Naturally, Gul'dan also regarded his bloodlust and ruthlessness quite highly.
When the Orcs conquered the predecessor of the Black Temple, the Temple of Karabor, Teron completely massacred all the Draenei inside. It didn't matter if they were male, female, elderly or young – Teron Gorefiend massacred them all.
This inhumane action caused many of even the Orcs to feel uneasy.
In the eyes of the Orcs, slaying those who could not even defend themselves was not glorious at all.
After the failure of the first Orc invasion into Azeroth, Gul'dan's power was greatly reduced. Orgrim Doomhammer used this opportunity to mobilise his soldiers. Teron Gorefiend was the first Shadow Council Warlock who died under the Doomhammer.
However, Orgrim did not kill Gul'dan.
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