With not enough time to distribute the equipment, Lu Li led everyone to the next Boss without stopping for any rest at all.
The 2nd Boss was Blood Guard Porung.
When the Bloodied besieged Shattrath, Porung launched a fierce attack against the territory of the Draenor Paladins. At that time, these Paladins locked themselves up in a corner of the city. He single-handedly extinguished the defenders, but incurred serious injuries and had no way to join the Horde's later surprise attack on Azeroth. Now, Porung had fully recovered from his injures, and worked for Warchief Kargath in Hellfire Citadel, hoping to make up for his regrets from those brilliant military campaigns, writing his own name in the history of the Orcs with the blood of his enemies.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: