No one knew what to expect when Water Fairy went to karaoke. Even Lu Li had only heard her sing once, and it was during her live stream. It was hard to describe how well she sang. While it wasn't of a professional level, Lu Li thought that she sang beautifully. Like the crisp sound of a cascade hitting the rocks beneath it, or a feather that caressed the heart, her voice was indescribably soothing. That was why Lu Li did not object when Water Fairy agreed to go to karaoke; he just preferred if there wasn't a group of third-wheelers tagging along.
Water Fairy's live-streaming contract had almost expired. All she really needed to do was to continue playing games to meet her quota; there was no real need to sing songs for her fans since the consequences of such were unfathomable. Lu Li had witnessed the number of people that were bewitched by Water Fairy's singing that day.
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