"Oh, my bad." Water Fairy realized that she had crossed the line after she spoke.
She and Lu Li weren’t that close. They have had several exchanges, but they were basically transactions between two guilds as allies. They didn’t really have a personal friendship.
"Don’t worry about it." Lu Li didn’t mind and explained, "These Outpost Guards belong to Theramore. Their leader is Jaina. Although Jaina is hated by the Alliance because she allowed her father General Proudmoore to be killed by the Horde, she is one of the most dangerous people to offend in Dawn."
As the Scourge spread, Jaina followed her teacher Antonidas to investigate the plague of the Eastern Plaguelands.
They came across a prophet who pleaded with Antonidas to lead the people of Lordaeron to the West to Kalimdor. Antonidas regarded this prophet as a madman, but Jaina could feel his strength and felt like his warning should be heeded.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: