Lu Li didn’t want to shamefully run away, so he could only push forwards and meet him with his dagger.
The Druid that was approaching Lu Li was very worked up, but the Thief that he faced remained calm.
Previously, when most players didn’t have very many skills, Druids were considered to be very strong. They could attack, resist, heal and had many crowd control abilities. After learning Bear Form, Druids would even become resistant to crowd control.
However, Lu Li wasn’t a player who only had a few skills. Compared to most other players, Lu Li’s skills were numerous and ridiculously strong.
As the Druid, Rising Bloody Ocean, charged forwards, Lu Li disappeared with Shadowmeld.
Before he could even turn his head, he was placed into a stunned state by an attack from behind. By the time he was able to cancel his transformation and recover from the stun, Lu Li had already moved behind him to stun him again with Shadowstrike.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: