"Make a bet with me, and we shall see," Zhang Xuan said. "Well, even if you refuse my bet and take me away forcefully, there's nothing I can do. It's just that I find it ludicrous how a Heavenly High Immortal from the Hall of Gods would actually fear a mere Lesser True Immortal cultivator like me. From the looks of it, it seems like the Hall of Gods isn't anything impressive!"
"Lesser True Immortal realm?" Hearing those words, the trapped Elder Chou Huo immediately took a closer look, and it was only then that he noticed the change in Zhang Xuan's cultivation.
This stunned him.
The battle earlier had placed him in such a dangerous position that he did not have the luxury of allowing him mind to wander at all. He never would have thought that Zhang Xuan would manage to achieve a breakthrough so quickly after leaving the Ascendant Cloud Sword Pavilion.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: