

it was already dark, she could hear chirping sounds of crickets and faint discharging of firearm as she dragged her foot on the soil , getting to a tree she collapsed, laid her hurt back on the tree

her throat dried and hurts, caused by lack of water, belly groans out of hungrier.

"it will take a year to bring the city to total annihilation then move to southern region"

she heard troops camping with discussion.

she stood up walking sluggishly till she found were the voice came from, she heed herself in the bushes cautiously

"the Government has sent more solders to ground" said an ebony dark man who had a red scarf tired around his head seems to be the leader of the gang .

"the United States government has sent their soldiers down here to help war survivors and also help fight the war against us!"

"Ala!" said the one with the red scarf

"there will be no survivors "

"we will fight to our last breath to see all this diseases put to death and we will annihilate the lands" said another

"they're not the first nether are they, the last"

"we shall take down whoever tries to Hinder our mission" said the gang leader

"Eey!" they all agreed

Anastasia sneaked out from there seeing that day were no more at sight she took on her heels.

coming across a lake she stopped her trail squatting down to take a drink she gathered the water in our hands brought it up to her lips and took a drink she repeated thrice before pushing herself to lay on a tree, a sigh escaped from her mouth , gazing at the full moon at the sky praying too God to protect her and her family from the hands of the wicked.

she felt her eyes weak and decided to take a catnap.


Annasstasia flinched jacking her eyes open when she heard the weeping sound of someone ,

she was welcomed by the morning sun blinking for sometime before opening her eyes wide she tried standing but a hash pain stroke her knees which made her hiss in pain ,

she placed her hand on the tree and struggled herself up stumbled to where The voice came from consciously not to get caught by someone .

as she took steps to where The voice came from it became louder and louder till she got to a tree ,

she saw a man in a pool of blood Connor of his lips dripped out blood and he said the word


he coughed out more blood

"KAI !"

a raspy voice shouted at her which made her flinch with fear as her heart beats in her rip cage,

he pointed his rifle towards her dragged the trigger and ready to take a shot, she took on high heels, the villain fired the bullet to at her which brushed passed her arm

she screamed when the hot iron scratched her skin.

the gunman in question kept on firing at her,

running into Forest she found the hideaway spot and heed in the bushes , the villian walked by the bush,

pointing his gun up straight ready to shoot down any insects without hesitation.

"ALa ALa ah!"


a loud voice resonated and gunshots echoed.

the villain quickly took off to where the echoes off discharging of firearm killing one of there men came from.

★please comment and tell me what you think about the chapter please 🙏★

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