

It's currently 5AM. I have yet to sleep, and I'm binge watching YouTube videos. I think I should mention that I don't know how to write, ha, funny write? Get it? Ha, I- I said "write" and not right? Ok sorry...anyways, as I was saying. Im binge watching YouTube videos, and I see one video saying I have Aphantasia, and I probably don't even know I do. It's where you can't picture things, and your imagination is blank. I thought it was normal, the rain pours against my window as I'm crying in disappointment....ok lol it's not even raining BUT LISTEN (despite you can't hear me..)!! I thought it was normal for people to not be able to see while reading, and that's why I have a strong dislike for it😊 am I allowed to use emojis?? Anyways! I wanted to try to read some books to see if I could picture anything in my head, and oh...oh..I ended up typing one out...yeah..I'm gonna go..WAIT! Questions need to be answered! First off, why did I make the genre of this video games? Well because they didn't have a genre for bored idiot, so I just put one of my favorite addictions on there and boom! Also you're probably wondering if it's really 5AM right now...and yes...yes it is.