

Time flew by quickly and it's the day of the gathering. All dressed in my custom made dress and expensive jewelry, I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. Even after all these events, I still feel ashamed to have to hide one of my eyes.

I touch my reflection in the mirror. I always choose to hide the brown eye and only let the blue one show because that was the eye colour I was born with. I truly find myself strange, first, I have blue hair, a hair colour no human has ever had.

And second, only the noble royal family descendants are known to have blue eyes unlike me. I was born a commoner, then why are my eyes blue? And why did my eye change colour from blue to brown after I regained consciousness after the shipwreck?

I walk closer to the mirror, staring into my glass-like eye's reflection. It looks so fragile and transparent, just like a porcelain doll's glass eyes. It could almost suck you into a deep void. Not only is it unusual, it's also incomparable to anyone else's.

It's... beautiful. I step closer to the mirror, captivated by my eye's reflection. Suddenly, my vision gets blinded.

Raven: Huh?

What... What happened? A beam of light passes in front of me and my surroundings become slightly clearer. However all that I can see is.... that I'm underwater. What is going on?!

???: Do you think that she's going to die?

???: Looks like it, the injuries are too severe.

I can hear high pitched voices echoing around, but can't see anyone. This... I'm obviously underwater then, how can someone-

???: Then, that means that she's going lose 1 life out of the 3 we gave her?

???: Such fate; to fall into the sea twice, to be left for the dead, it's sad, isn't it?

Lose a life? Left for death? What are they talking about? I start to open my eyes s little more and one of them notices this.

???: She's awake!

???: We need to extract one of the three mutations now or she won't make it. So, SLEEP...

Something touches my forehead and my eyes close instantly and I fall into deep slumber, none of my questions answered...

*Knock knock*

Lily: Raven? Are you done? Prince Jayden is waiting for you.


A familiar voice snaps me out of my trance and brings me back to reality. I retreat from the mirror at once, panting. What... Just what was that?! Th-The whole conversation about me dying and the lives, what does all that mean?! However, right now...

Raven: I'll be right there!

Right now, I need to fulfill my job as Jayden's companion for the evening. I-I can sort everything out later. But, was what I just saw all real? It doesn't make any sense, who were they? How could they talk underwater? And what did they mean about the 3 lives?

I use both of my hands to pull the door open and there, standing a few metres away from me dressed an expensive, elegant outfit, is my partner for the evening, Jayden. He smiles at me charmingly and I return the favor while walking towards him.

I take his arm and we start walking towards the ballroom. Then he leans in slightly and whispers..

Jayden: You look gorgeous.

Raven: Don't flatter me.

My tone is assertive, without the slightest hint of courtesy. When there is no one around, Jayden and I drop all the formalities and speak informally to each other, just like two friends would.

Although I try to focus on my 'task' and stay in character, I can't get that vision out of my mind. Wait, they were talking about removing a mutation to save my life. According to them, there were three mutations and they had to get rid of one.

If that was all true, do those mutations refer to my unusual features? My hair and my (prior) pair of eyes.. They are blue, which is abnormal. Then the mutation that they extracted must be the unusual colour of one of my eyes!

That's why my eye must have changed its colour! It all fits together, but there are still many loop holes. When did they give me those lives and who are they? What did they mean when they said that I had been left to die in the sea twice? And.. Just who and what am I really?

Amidst my dilemma, we arrive at the ballroom. The guards open the door for us to a grand world of light and celebration. The task starts now!