
4th Wall breaker

Every living being, even if it's a monster, demi-human or a supreme being are all equal in the face of death. "There's no such as good and evil, god and devil, people just invented that words to comfort themselves... but I do serve a god and a devil that's makes us different... I only follow them because they gave me power when I needed it... so scream for me" Ankh said while torturing Calfin and his whole guild... because of them, Ankh grandparents died in their hands. And this is a story about a boy name 'Ankh Adom' walking his own path, becoming a executioner to his master as well a being who broke the 4th wall. Welcome to 4th Wall breaker- ---------------------------------------------------- Hi I'm a new author that's why my grammar and story are messed up and I only know English language a little bit but still I hoped you like my nonsense novel

crazy_creator · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Nature is Nature (3)

After pondering for a bit, Ucho then proceeded to take out his scythe. "It wouldn't hurt a little anyways, unless I'll kill you thoroughly, like every limbs, skins, nails, organs while still maintaining that you wouldn't even faint. [sigh] boring."

Ucho then ponder again, as he then raise his hand towards the sky. "Right! i can do that aren't i. I'm i a genius or something? Hahaha!" He then full heartedly laugh.

The scythe he was holding then reshape itself into something thay look like a whip. It stretches as long as a fully grown tree's or maybe even longer than that.

[Name: Ankh Adom Age:18[+100]

Race: Human[Demi-Spirit]

Birthplace: Maya general hospital

Origin: Camelot kingdom

Physical Aura: Change[Rank-SS+]

Spiritual Aura: Hack[Rank-S+]

Contracted Gods spirit: None

Elements: None

Tree of Qliphoth: [Space] [Time] [Life] [Death] [Memory] [Energy] [More...]

Title: Master over [Life] and [Death]

Contractor of [Abaddon] Contractor of [Vidar]

subordinate of [Catkun drege]

Mastery: Scythemanship - Master [Variation rank - Saint] Swordmanship- Competent [Variation rank - Envious] Whipmanship - Beginner [Variation rank- Advance] [More...]

Seeing once again his info, he was once again struck by a lightning of disappointment. "EoS me are truly powerful that even high ranking gods spirit are afraid of me, and look at this stats it pales in comparison in the EoS me."

Disappointment, Disappoinment, Disappointment. All he could mutter was the word disappointment, even though it was already powerful just having this kind of stats, it was still different when you have your full strength and might. '[Sigh] Can i cry? you, yes you, you that are currently reading these right now, aren't i disappointing.'

Disappointment overwhelmed him in more than a minute, as the time was always going back and back nonstop. "Now, whip what should i do now? i kinda feel like wants to beat up a shit of ton of living being or just rape woman."

He then raise his hand, the one he was holding with the whip then swing it through the nearby tree. [Swooshhhh] the long whip was then shortened to just reach the tree he was currently aiming at. [Bigyaaa] the sound of a whip hitting a tree was then heard throughout the forest.

[Phissssh] [Phissssh]

"If i just exert a little force, that tree would turn into dust this instant. But i don't want that, what i wanted was to hear the [Phissssh] sound it was quite satisfying. Hahaha"

Ucho then laugh, as he then notice a ripped space appears. Looking at it, he then felt a somewhat pleasant feelings. 'Wait dont tell me!'

The rippled space then appears, a very mysterious figures whose body was covered in dark aura. "Yo! been a while. How's your day partaking in some crap of a novel?"

Ucho who was still left in daze, snap out of it in instant after hearing the manly voice. "Ye-yeah i-its o-kay." why am i crying ponder him.

"Wait are you crying right now? Hahaha" The mysterious man then approach him. Then said. "The novel storyline has been change, there's a ton of new enemies, hero, death and rebirth. And along with that, is that I've seen in the end is that you would be able to meet your reincarnated grandparents again. Aren't that great?" The mysterious man then hug him tightly.

"Mr. Appo? ar-are you re-ree-really telling the truth. And i am not crying earlier, it's just a small dust." Ucho then said it happily and disappointedly. Why may you ask? he was destined to die in the EoS after someone from the higher realm intervenes in the end. And just hearing that he was able to meet again his grandparents makes him more teary.

Or so he thought. As Mr. Appo then pinpoint something important to the new story. "In the original storyline they were not able to reincarnate, but something change in the head of that bastard. He wanted to make a miserable life for the MC which is you, by doing that he wanted to bring back your grandparents as a ####d, hmm? censored Hahaha. That bastard is still are cautious, well doesn't matter you would still live a life fulll of misery. That's all, and nice to see you again stink-bug."

After saying that Mr. Appo head out again without prior notice, as usual. But Ucho after hearing that felt unpleasant, dismays, rage, madness and insane.

"Hahahahahahaha!!" He was in state of chaotic behavior, the first time he had felt these, was when he was grieving the death of his grandparents and soon to be dead again.

Grabing his hair, face then scratch it again and again until red blood flows. Skins was peeling off, his once beautiful black hair then got forcefully removes from its scalp. He then telekinetically grabs a tree branch then rapidly pierce he's eyes. just seeing these lunatic behavioral was enough to vomit continuesly.

By just seeing the current state of Ucho, would make anyone pity him, as he had suffered enough. But it was not enough to drive him to forgive the atrocious plot that would torture his grandparents again and again.

After suffering that much, and just make it look like it was nothing. Now i am again once being torture by not the <<torture world>> but the physical world of nature.

"Am i really despise by the universe? or was it just the author? AAAAAAHHHH! I dont know anymore." Mental breakdown was so severe that he's consciousness was beginning to fade.

So what would you do if you're in these kind of situation, learning everything about being just a fictional characters, driving insane by one of your childhood trauma, seeing your grandparents getting rape by multiple guys, skinned alive, just their misery alone are just enough to even make a normal person go insane.

Not just that, being trained in a separate dimension for almost 100 years just to suddenly learn that your grandparents who was so dear to you would suffer another physical trauma just for the MC to suffer even more.

'I'll promise this to you, if the story ends i would hunt you down there. Even if its in a higher dimensions just to make you suffer as much as i did.' But before he could even faint.

The time goes back, when Zackrow was ready to past out.

[Main storyline]

'Yeah i should just passed out. [Wrath] would protect me anyways.' Zackrow then touch his head as he mention, "swépnos".

As he mutter those words, aura then filled he's hand. Then inject the aura onto his head, commanding the neurons into tricking his muscles into softening his whole body.

Immediately Zackrow felt the drowsiness, he successfully trick the body messenger that he's brain needs rest. 'I should be able to rest for about a 30 minutes or soooo'

[swépnos: Is a aura base stabilizer specialize for making your enemies, into incapable of moving or makes them fall into a state of drowsiness. It commands neurons the body messenger into tricking that the brain needs to rest. Being proficiency of it can gain a upper hands in every battle.]

[15-Minutes Later]

People footsteps was so loudly can be heard, even a miles away.[Thump-Thump] loud and hasty footsteps. "At once stop"

By this simple words alone, made the marching people stops in synergy. "Look at these people, they'd had no to none experience at all."

Saying this criticism, as loudly as he could speak, as sharp as a blade, even the winds became silent. "Expected"

He then came forward, as he scan the people who was lying down in a deep, deep slumber. "Vomits are everywhere, nostalgic."

(To be continued)