Who I Am

I knew I was never a good person, and quite a few consider me a bad one, including myself. I was in middle school, I found out that I was talented in programming.I slowly developed my skills throughout my school years.

Around the time I graduate, I'd found a mysterious puzzle on the internet, Cicada 3302. At first, I'd taken it as a joke but the more I looked into it, the more sure I was that it wasn't something just made on a whim. At the end of the puzzle, there was a message, Secrecy, Cruelty and Skill, with these, one can rule the world. Will you join us?

A few years later, I had been running an online black market under the organisation, and sold countless things, at first, I was disgusted by what was there, slaves, drugs, weaponry, organs, basically anything one could find, However, I soon grew used to what there was. I had done whatever The Three told me to do, when they said steal from these people, I stole, when I had to harm some people, I harmed.

The first time I stole, it was from a poor family, as one of their children was a dealing drugs to pay for his father's medical bill, but The Three never really liked competition.I really didn't want to but the organisation knew everything about me, so I did, I was scared, I didn't want them to hurt me, I didn't. They were everywhere, they were the highest of politicians, the inmates in prison, the drug dealer in the back alley.

After working for them for a while, I'd gotten used to it, but then they just didn't let me do anything, I was stuck just managing this small black market called 'Silkroad', but no, they didn't let me move up. So I decided to create one on my own, it was a relatively small one, one I didn't think they could link to me, and it had quite a few good sellers, and got me quite a lot of buyers, as I'd developed quite a few connections overtime, yet, they soon found out, and after that, everything I had vanished, they took me away, they took my family away, and slowly skinned me alive, even during death, I never knew who they exactly were.
