
End Game of Fallout, Tax Fraud?

Shorter chapter due to me not feeling well still, hope you enjoy despite that.


Damian stood i front of a magnificent city, fully running on electricity sourced by a nearby fusion reactor. Neon signs sat above beautiful establishments as hundreds of random NPCs journeyed the streets of his beloved city, Nightrun. 

After finishing off the president in Fallout 2 and finishing the next to Acts, he had reached the pinnacle of the end game... At least that is what he thought before he ran straight into city-building utopia. Hundreds or thousands of different buildings, jobs, peoples, attributes, and personalities were now at his finger tips to enjoy and learn about. Building a vault, like the one that you started from in Act 1, because he could. 

Running elections democratically, having elected officials and religions forming. Nurturing these separate elements to coexist with one another for peaceful progression. It was amusing and stimulating for this genius as he usually dealt with simple questions in his usual line of work... Such as: 'What bone will I break this time to get a confession?'

His father, Bruce Wayne, had seen fit to leave just a day before a major milestone in his city. Apparently the Joker had resurfaced, his wretched life cursing innocents.

'My father is very, moral...'

Shaking his head he tried to get the thoughts of his father's absence from his mind, focussing instead on the next steps he could take.


Ned had also made a city, but his was more, DND-like. Guilds ran the majority of the city and he merely oversaw the benefit of the citizens. He had already had to make several examples out of some NPCs who had chosen to push their luck... Labour in the mines was very convincing to many, not to fuck with him.

Other than the political system, he too had electricity in the city but his was sourced from a cold fusion generator found within a GECK kit. This singular cold fusion source was enough to run several cities all at once... Becoming a massive commodity for trade to other cities. 

Ned had maxed his stats out and he was thoroughly enjoying the antics of his Mr.Handies, their jokes never ending, so too their insanity. He had very much enjoyed this playthrough, but now he wanted to go back and start again, all to gain another series of endings. The replay-ability of this game was top notch in comparison to the other games out in the market.

"Come on chat, let's go conquer the game again, this time... THE EVIL ROUTE!"


After finishing my SWTOR checks, I tuned back in on my battle pass.

---BATTLEPASS, Apprentice Level---

*Purchase an upgrade for your apartment* : 100,000 Points

*Create your second game* : New Mutant Ability, Shadow Control (COMPLETED)

*Create DLC for 'Fallout' (10/10)* : 200,000 Points , Blessing of Freya (COMPLETED)

*Make a company in the real world for your games* : 10 Million Dollars USD (COMPLETED)

* Purchase an item/spell/power/magic/Mutation, for over 1,000,000P* : 5,000,000 Points (COMPLETED)

*Learn More of the World* : Entire Basic Knowledge of World Lore

*Have 1 Million people play your games* : 1,000,000 Points , Charisma Bobble-Head

*Found the beginnings of a central hub for your games* : %UNKNOWN REWARD%

*Buy Twitch* : Customized Fate-style Servant based on Technology

Immediately noting the completion of my second game I felt a crawling sensation in the back of my mind. Two new, somethings, had seeped into my brain. Using my psychic powers that were already present, I poked at these two new powers with the tendrils of my intent. As if a person loading out of the matrix, like the matrix movies, my mind collected thousands of different loading screens and code that was translated into webpages and servers, IPs, secure sights, technological defences... 

'Did I just gain the ability to see the internet with my mind?'

Diving back into that power I searched around with the intent to find my bank account. At first, this was not going well, the code suffusing my entire visual cortex as my senses began to feel rubbed raw by the constant flow of information. This was when another unique segment of my mind, close to my logical centres, snapped into place. My ability to see distant places, to go where I have been before. Except, in this circumstance, It was going to whatever place I wished it to.

Before long my mind opened up on my bank account, roughly 11.3 Million USD residing within its confines. Happy with the amount I was seeing, I decided to find out if my ability was just perusing the internet, or something beyond.

Caressing the edges of the code that I could vaguely feel pertaining to the numbers showing on my bank account, I tried to alter it... This failed. There was no movement and the code was unchanging. I was blue balled before I could even hope to change my monetary situation. 

Going to leave that new power, disappointment thickly plastered atop my excitement, my gut stopped me. I had the eerie sense that I had forgotten to check one of my abilities. One that I had gotten first and one that had been so far very basic in application.

Code streamed past my thoughts once more as my bank account was instantly summoned. The same code from before was present for me. Numbers that declared the amount of money in my account lazily slumping there before me, as if asking to be grasped and changed. 

Telekinesis. The control of objects, or physical things. In normal terms this meant items around a house, or a house itself, or even just anything lift-able. But in these circumstances, code was now physical to my senses... It was now a visceral element of my perception and therefor, something manipulatable. Thus, I could do what I do next...

"Put an extra zero behind the number in my bank account... And then..." I waited for several moments in this code space before a wicked smile spread across my face.

No alarms were set off, no repercussions for my little change. And now... I have 115,000,000 USD. This shit was 'ez'. Some would question my morals for doing this, but I couldn't give a fuck. Money supported life and life needed money, especially in modern society. If I could fuck over the system, why wouldn't I? I'd be stupid not to. 

Grinning I started to think of multiple different ways of using this new ability. My marketing campaign was the first idea as I could blast the campaign I had in my mind all over the internet, with very little effort.

'It's time to spread some Star Wars propaganda mixed with the reveal of Yggdrasil Interactive!'


Villa Stark...

"Jarvis, have you completed those scans on Fallout?"

"No sir. The game is indecipherable. Not even the most advanced components used to create me can even come close to a micro-particle of this game's defences."

Tony Stark stood there with a whiskey in hand amidst his various fancy cars and robotic instruments, a single computer with steam currently open, flickering, as Jarvis's digital representation tried to seep into every aspect of steam, specifically directed towards Fallout.

"Have you tried Quantum variations, perhaps a shift in modulation of keystone codes?"

"Yes sir, everything has already been attempted. I have even hijacked the super computer of the American Government, all have lead to failures."

Tony paced a little as he sported a stark white wife-beater, his finely shaved face scrunching in thought as in the background an iron man suit stood, an advanced concept of what his previous suit had been, in the terrorist cave.

His hand shook just a little from the experiences he had gained there. His friend who had died. The use of his own weapons to sow destruction... He had had enough. The new project would solve that for him and his company. No longer would people use his weapons, no, because he wouldn't make them anymore...

"Jarvis. The finishes on the suit?"

"Almost complete sir. Just putting on the hot-rod-red."

"Good, I think I have some plans for it soon enough."


A day after discovering my new techno-powers, I had searched the internet for all forms of Star Wars content. There was nothing. It was as if George Lucas didn't exist in this world.

So confused by this I had to redesign my entire marketing campaign. Now, I would introduce them to a completely new genre, a new story and new form of entertainment. Thus, I started with the most iconic starting for any Star Wars content, ever.

A massive space-ship with a dark brooding exterior slowly chased after a lighter more brightly coloured frigate. Space was expansive and all encompassing around this scene until a tractor beam shot out from the front of the ominous ship.

This video transmitted to the entirety of Youtube and Twitch, on the front page.

"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away!"


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