
Chapter 24 - Oracle

While Percy was consumed by the shock of the revelation.

Chiron smiled amused in his mind and raised one of his hands before speaking: "At least... that's what Zeus thinks."

This caught the boy's attention again.

Seeing this, the centaur continued the explanation of how this whole event unfolded.

"During the winter solstice, at the last assembly of the gods, Zeus and Poseidon had an argument. The usual nonsense: 'Mother Rhea has always liked you more,' 'Air disasters are more spectacular than sea disasters,' etc. Later, Zeus realized that his master bolt had disappeared, taken from the throne room right under his nose."

"In that instant, he blamed Poseidon. Now, a god can't directly usurp another god's symbol of power - that's prohibited by the oldest of divine laws. But Zeus believes that his father convinced a human hero to take it..."

"But I didn't..." Percy immediately wanted to deny that accusation, but his former Latin teacher interrupted him.

"Patience, and listen, child..."

Chiron sighed and calmly explained: "Zeus has good reasons to be suspicious. The Cyclopes' forges are under the ocean, which gives Poseidon some influence over the makers of his brother's bolts. Zeus believes that Poseidon took the master bolt and is now having the Cyclopes secretly build an arsenal of illegal copies, which could be used to overthrow Zeus from his throne."

"The only thing Zeus wasn't sure about was which hero Poseidon had used to steal the bolt. Now Poseidon openly declared that you are his son. You were in New York during winter break. You could have easily infiltrated Olympus. Zeus believes he found his thief..."

"But I've never been to Olympus! Zeus is crazy!..." Percy interrupted, practically shouting.

"The news of the day..." Ikki thought, humming in his mind, still casually sitting with a calm face while paying attention to the conversation. It was as if they weren't even talking about a potential war of Gods.

In fact, secretly he was loving watching all this drama unfold before his eyes.

In light of the boy's words, which he used to defend himself, Chiron and Grover looked nervously at the sky.

The clouds didn't seem to be parting, as Grover had said. The storm was coming over the valley, sealing it in like a coffin lid.

"Uh, Percy...?" Grover said nervously. "We don't use that word that starts with 'm' to describe the Lord of the Sky..."

"It's impossible for Percy to have stolen the Master Bolt from my dad. I've known him since we were four years old, and besides, he just found out that mythology was real a few days ago..." Ikki sighed and joined the discussion.

"I understand, Child. But your father is a bit paranoid..." Chiron suggested hesitantly, not wanting to offend the King of Olympus. "Besides, Poseidon has tried to overthrow Zeus before. I believe that was question 38 on your final exam..."

"Something to do with a net of gold?..." Percy guessed after recalling the answer he wrote on the test. "Poseidon, and Hera, and some other gods... they, like, trapped Zeus and wouldn't let him go until he promised to be a better ruler, right?"

"Correct..." Chiron said, nodding his head. "And Zeus has never trusted Poseidon since then. Poseidon, of course, denies stealing the master bolt. He was offended by the accusation. The two have been arguing constantly for months, with threats of war. And now you've shown up - the famous last straw..."

"But I'm just a kid!..." Percy said, pointing out the obvious.

Ikki looked at his best friend with pity; the Gods didn't care if you were a child or an adult, man or woman. Mythology was there for all to see. So much cruelty caused by the gods, any of them would have the courage to kill a baby if they were offended.

"Percy..." Grover intervened, explaining the point of view of the King of Olympus. "If you were Zeus and already thought your brother was planning to overthrow you, and then your brother suddenly admitted he had broken the sacred oath he made after World War II and that he was the father of a new mortal hero who could be used as a weapon against you..."

"Wouldn't that give you a reason to be suspicious?"

"Isn't that a bit hypocritical? I mean, my dad broke the oath first. He had a daughter who is now the pine tree on the highest hill..." Ikki said, hand on chin.

He had heard the story of Thalia, daughter of Zeus, during a conversation with Percy and Grover.

His words had no hint of offense; it was like an innocent observation.

Grover looked embarrassed to see it from this point of view.

Percy was still lost with all this; he said: "But I didn't do anything. Poseidon, my dad, really didn't send anyone to steal this Master Bolt, did he?..."

Chiron sighed at seeing this.

"Most smart observers would agree that theft isn't Poseidon's style. But the god of the sea is too proud to try to convince Zeus of that. Zeus demanded that Poseidon return the bolt by the summer solstice. That will be on June 21st, ten days from now. Poseidon wants an apology for being called a thief by then."

"I had hoped that diplomacy would prevail, that Hera or Demeter or Hestia would make the two brothers see reason. But your arrival has fueled Zeus's anger. Now neither god wants to back down. Unless someone intervenes, unless the Master Bolt is found and returned to Zeus before the solstice, there will be war. And do you know how a total war could be, Percy?"

"Bad..." Percy said, trying to guess.

"I think the word chaotic would be a better description..." Ikki said, imagining a war of the gods, ignoring the blood that boiled at the thought of fighting with everything.

Chiron nodded and looked at Percy.

"Imagine the world in chaos. Nature at war with itself. The Olympians forced to choose sides between Zeus and Poseidon. Destruction. Carnage. Millions dead. Western civilization turned into a battlefield so vast that it would make the Trojan War look like a water balloon fight."

"Bad..." Percy repeated again.

"And you, Percy Jackson, will be the first to feel Zeus's wrath..." Chiron said, completely certain of this.

At that moment, outside, it began to rain. The volleyball players stopped the game and looked silently and perplexed at the sky.

Percy looked very upset watching this scene. It was his fault, and Zeus was punishing the entire camp because of him, which made him furious.

"So, the mission you mentioned. Is it about retrieving Zeus's Master Bolt...?" Ikki asked, getting straight to the point. He noticed that Percy seemed upset and couldn't help but mentally sigh.

He kind of knew the reason; after all, how many years have they known each other? Percy needed to stop blaming himself for something he had no control over; Zeus's anger.

"Yes... Percy is Poseidon's son; wouldn't it be a good peace offering to have him help return what belongs to Zeus? Besides, you're his son... which is a bit unexpected, but your union could minimize things up on Olympus. Plus, you're the best demigod we have in terms of skill at camp. Your help will be necessary to complete this mission," Chiron said to the two boys.

"If Poseidon doesn't have it, where is this thing?..." Percy asked, getting straight to the crux of the matter.

"I believe I know..." Chiron's expression became grim. "Part of the prophecy I received years ago... well, some lines make sense to me now. But before I can say more, both of you need to officially accept the mission. And you both need to seek the advice of the Oracle..."

"Why can't you say beforehand where the bolt is?" Percy questioned again.

"Because if I do, you'll be too scared to accept the challenge..."

Hearing Chiron's words, Percy swallowed hard and said, "Good reason...".

"So do you agree?..." Chiron asked both boys.

Percy looked at the satyr who nodded encouragingly. He looked at Ikki and saw that he seemed determined to go.

"I'm in; it's boring to stay at camp..." Ikki said, shrugging; he looked at Poseidon's son. "Percy, how about you?..."

"Okay..." Percy said; he seemed nervous but determined. "It's better than being turned into a dolphin."

"Then it's time for you to consult the Oracle..." Chiron said. "Go up to the attic. When you come down again, assuming you both are still lucid, we'll talk more..."

The two stood up and went to the stairs leading to the attic.

Ikki and Percy climbed four flights up; the staircase ended beneath a green trapdoor.

The son of Poseidon pulled a cord. The door opened, and a wooden ladder fell noisily into place.

The warm air coming from above smelled of mildew, rotten wood, and something else... a smell that reminded of reptiles. The smell of snakes.

Ikki went up first, followed by Percy.

The attic was cluttered with scraps of Greek heroes: armor stands covered in spider webs, once-bright shields full of stickers saying Ithaca, Circe Island, and Land of the Amazons. On a long table were piled glass jars filled with preserved things - hairy, severed claws, huge yellow eyes, and various other monster parts.

A dusty trophy on the wall looked like a giant snake's head, but with horns and a full set of shark teeth. A plaque read: Head No. 1 of the Hydra, Woodstock, N.Y., 1969.

By the window, sitting on a three-legged wooden stool, was the most terrifying souvenir of all: literally a mummy, a human corpse mummified to be more specific. The mummy wore a summer dress patterned in batik, with a handful of bead necklaces and a bandana over long black hair.

The skin of its face was thin and looked like leather stretched over the skull, and the eyes were white, glassy slits, as if the real eyes had been replaced with marbles. Percy was frightened, and Ikki was curious; it was his first time seeing something like this.

Then, a green mist flowed from the mummy's mouth, winding along the floor in thick rings, hissing like twenty thousand snakes.

Inside the heads of Ikki and Percy, a voice echoed, sliding into one ear and coiling around their brains.

I am the spirit of Delphi, speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python...

Come closer, seekers, and ask.

Percy looked startled for a moment.

Ikki placed a hand on his shoulder to help him. The moment this happened, the Son of Poseidon, who was freaking out, felt all his emotions disappear; all that remained was an unmatched calmness and security.

He looked at Ikki with a grateful expression.

Ikki simply shook his head. There was no need for thanks; he hadn't done much. Looking at the Oracle, he felt a bit more curious. What changes would its presence make in the prophecy?

He was interested to find out.

The mummy was some kind of vessel for another thing, the "power" that spiraled around in the green mist.

Its presence did not seem malignant. It was like the three old seamstresses they had seen knitting the yarn beside the fruit stand on the highway: ancient, powerful, and undoubtedly not human.

The two boys exchanged glances and then asked at the same time, "What is our destiny?"

The mist swirled, becoming denser, gathering right in front of them and around the table with the jars containing preserved parts of monsters. Suddenly, there were four men sitting around the table, playing cards. The faces became clearer.

The mist spun again, taking the form of a woman. Percy and Ikki recognized her instantly; she was the mother of the second.

The man in the middle, whom both boys recognized as Percy's horrible stepfather, turned to them and spoke in the harsh voice of the Oracle: "You must go west and face the god who has turned disloyal..."

The guy on the left threw down two poker chips and said: "On the road between countless dangers and troubles, the battle that shakes the earth will take place, and the son of the King of Olympus will face his greatest rival..."

His friend on the right looked up and said in the same voice: "You will find what was stolen and see it returned safely..."

The last man said in the same voice: "You will be betrayed by one who calls you friend..."

Ikki's mother delivered the final line: "And in the end, the Son of the God of the Sea will fail to save what matters most..."

The figures began to dissolve, and as the mist receded, Percy shouted: "Wait! What do you mean? What friend? What am I going to fail to save?"

The tail of the mist retreated into the mummy's mouth. Then it returned to its original position, leaving the two boys alone.

The audience with the Oracle was over.

After both recovered, they immediately returned to the porch where they had been before.

"And so?..." Chiron asked the two boys with an arched eyebrow as soon as he saw them returning.

Ikki sat in one of the chairs around the table, seeming to be deep in thought.

Percy slumped into one of the pinochle chairs. He was the first to speak. "She said we would recover what was stolen."

Grover leaned forward, excitedly chewing on the remnants of a Diet Coke can. "That's great!"

"What exactly did the Oracle say?..." Chiron pressed for details. "This is important."

Percy shuddered slightly and gulped: "She... she said we were going west to face a god who has turned disloyal. We would recover what was stolen and return it safely..."

"I knew it..." Grover said, even more excited.

Chiron did not seem satisfied with the Son of Poseidon's answer. "Anything else?..."

"She said, 'On the road between countless dangers and troubles, the battle that shakes the earth will take place, and the son of the King of Olympus will face his greatest rival,'" Ikki said, still contemplative.

All eyes turned to him. Ikki didn't need anyone to tell him that it was him the Oracle was talking about. After all, he was the only demigod who had prophetic dreams and was the son of Zeus.

Chiron seemed a bit lost in thought. "Well, it's obvious that the Oracle was talking about you. If you think about it. But who is your greatest rival?..."

"I don't know..." Ikki said, putting a hand on his chin thoughtfully.

Chiron nodded, looking concerned.

He studied the expressions of Percy and Ikki before saying, "Very well. But know this: the words of the Oracle often have double meanings. Don't trust them too much. The truth is not always clear until events unfold..."

Percy squirmed a bit, and Ikki calmly nodded; Chiron's words were accepted.

"Alright..." Percy said, eager to change the subject. "So, where am I going? Who is this god in the west?..."

"Oh, think, Percy..." Chiron said. "If Zeus and Poseidon weaken each other in a war, who stands to gain from that?..."

"Someone else who wants to take power?...," Percy guessed.

"Our uncle? But isn't that a bit obvious? Besides, blaming someone without proof?..." Ikki said calmly, as he thought about the culprit behind it all; he had forgotten who it was and what the mission would be at this point, but he was not worried. With his current power, he felt he was capable of handling anything.

"Oh, but think about it, my boy," Chiron said. "He is someone who harbors resentment, someone who is unhappy with the part that was allotted to him since the world was divided eons ago, whose reign will become powerful with the death of millions. Someone who hates the brothers for forcing him into an oath not to have more children, an oath that both have now broken..."

Ikki shrugged, not really believing it. He could think of several other suspects who were more plausible than the God of the Underworld.

Grover drooled a piece of aluminum from the corner of his mouth. "Wait, hold on. W-what?..."

"One of the Furies came after Percy," Chiron reminded them and continued. "She watched him to make sure of his identity, and then tried to kill Percy. Not to mention that during his journey to camp, the three Furies followed them. The Furies obey only one master: Hades..."

"Yes, but... but Hades hates all heroes..." Grover protested strongly. "Especially if he found out that Percy is the son of Poseidon, and now that he knows Ikki is the son of Zeus, things are going to get even worse..."

"A hellhound managed to get into the woods, and it was obvious he was after Percy. As for Ikki? Well, we know his origin is a bit unexpected; it seems the Lord of the Dead didn't know about him either," Chiron continued. "They can only be summoned from the Fields of Punishment, and he had to be summoned by someone from inside the camp. Hades must have a spy here. He must suspect that Poseidon will try to use Percy to clear his name."

"Great..." Percy muttered tiredly. "That's two of the most important gods wanting to kill me..."

"I think you should feel a little proud..." Ikki said, looking at Percy with a playful look. "Not even two weeks in this world, and you have gods eager for your head. That's definitely something to be proud of."

Percy looked at him with a blank expression. "No, it's really not."

"But a mission to..." Grover gulped and asked weakly. "I mean, the master bolt couldn't be somewhere like Maine? Maine is very nice this time of year..."

"Hades sent a minion to steal the Master Bolt," Chiron insisted as if he were sure. "He hid it in the Underworld, knowing very well that Zeus would blame Poseidon. I don't intend to understand perfectly the motives of the Lord of the Dead or why he chose this time to start a war, but one thing is certain: Ikki and Percy need to go to the Underworld, find the Master Bolt, and reveal the truth..."

I have up to chapter 31 on my Patreon; patreon.com/Adam_Kadmon, please visit and subscribe, it will help me a lot to continue with my projects!

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