

"What are you doing?" Elena questioned, as she approached Samael who is seated in the grass.

It was night, they had travelled into the forest, Elena having remained in the car till now, on her phone. The both of them refused to be separated for even a moment these past months, in fear of what may happen should Samael not be there to protect Elena.

Elena herself was even more adamant then Sam, which surprised him. It seems Katherine's possession was quite the traumatic experience for her. She didn't feel safe in her own body if Sam wasn't there, because he was the one who saved her.

She knew that since the necklace was around her neck, she was protected, but even then, the mere possibility that it may malfunction, a fear she has because of her limited understanding of magic, makes it so, she needs to be near him to feel safe and alone in her own body.

Her fearful expression when he went away too far made Samael's anger towards Katherine grow everytime he saw it.

"I'm finally getting somewhere with it," Sam told her as he continued spinning two steel balls in his hand.

"You never really told me what you are trying to achieve in the first place," Elena remarked as she sat next to him, bringing her legs towards her chest, as she leaned her head against his arm.

Sam ignored her as he continued picking up speed, until suddenly like an electric charge, a white light pulsed out of the orbs.

The Stand User seeing this immediately stopped the spin. Wary of the destruction it may cause if continued.

"Let's go Elena, I'm done here," Sam stated as he stood up and headed for the car.

"Sam!" Elena called out.

"What?" Samael questioned confused at her still standing there.

"You still haven't answered my question, Sam. I don't know, but these past few months you've been acting... different.

More hesitant. I thought it was because of what happened, and that you simply needed time, but you're still not opening up to me.

Why? We've never held secrets from each other before, why now? Don't you trust me anymore?" Elena questioned sorrow and confusion in her tone as she approached him.

'That's because I can't have my secrets in the open yet. You are able to be possessed Elena, protected now or not I can't take the chance. I'm doing this all for you, I can't put you in danger like that. If you knew my abilities then the possessor will know too...' Samael thought to himself, but he most definitely knew he wouldn't tell her that.

He loved her too much, and knew If he told her this, she would blame herself, and that's the last thing he wants.

Samael gently closed the distance between them himself and softly held her by her shoulders, "Of course I trust you Elena," Samael began, 'I trust your loyalty Elena, but I don't trust your resistance against mind manipulation.'

"I'm just under a lot of stress. I'm making plans and moves, but I don't know right now where they'll end up and don't wish to get our hopes up for nothing." Samael told her, which is also true, but not the complete truth.

Seeing her still somber expression Sam gently leaned his head towards her, putting their foreheads against one another, "I love you Elena," Sam told her, 'More than you could possibly understand. The sacrifices I am willing to do for you, just for you to never leave my side...'

"Never doubt that," He told her as he gave her a kiss.

Soon after he stepped back and walked into the car, with Elena still confused, but more reassured following behind him.

After one final side glance towards her, he started the car and drove.


As Sam dropped her off, he brought her to the door, yet they both stood there for a moment.

For the first time since that day, they won't actually be within a 10 meter radius of each other.

"I suppose its time for you to go now," Elena states, trying to be strong. They had discussed this an entire week ago, and yet still she barely can keep herself from holding his hand and refusing to let go.

Everytime he's too far away she can't help but think about drowning, about choking and feeling the burning of her lungs as they can't take in the air.

She truly felt like she died, over and over and over again, at the hands of that bitch.

She truly thought she would be forever trapped in that hell...

"Yeah, I do. But don't forget Elena, I'll always be there to protect you. Always and forever. I'm just a call away, and like lightning, I'll be there. Literally." He told her as he held both her hands, with both gentleness and firmness.

And she believed him.

'Of course you will. You're the man who was able to know me even better than I know myself. Better than a monster that even had my own memories. You saved me when I didn't think I could ever be saved.' Elena thought to herself as she clenched his hands as tight as she could before unlocking them and throwing herself at him, hugging him.

Samael was startled for a moment, but hugged her back. "Elena, don't worry. It won't be for long, I'll be back in soon enough. I'll even leave my car here." Sam told her as he soon after broke the hug.

Elena nodded a couple of times in confirmation, steeling herself, as she turned towards the door, putting the key in, and with one last look towards him, she saw him smile at her before he disappeared like the wind.

She flinched, not at his disappearing act, but him being gone in the first place, knowing now he was very far away.

But she knew she couldn't live like this forever. And so she finally stepped into her home and closed the door.


-Salvatore Boarding House

Samael appears like the wind, traveling at speeds far faster than the average vampire could ever hope to rival.

He without a care in the world approached the door and knocked, knowing the vampire he is looking for is there, living currently with his distant relative.

The one who opened the door was the human, "Sam, what's going on? Why are you here at night? Do you need help?" Zach questioned, a bit frantically, since finding out that Sam now also is in the know about vampires.

The rest about Samael's secrets, remain that way, secrets.

"I'm actually here to speak with your relative, or should I say distant ancestor. I know you can hear me, Stefan Salvatore, I know what you are and I'm here to talk."

As soon as the words left the Stand User's mouth, the vampire with speed appeared behind the human.

"It's okay, Zach, I'll take it from here," Stefan stated.

"Wait, Stefan, don't hurt him. You can't compel him, he's on vervain like everyone on the council!"

"Zach, I think you're being worried about the wrong person here," Stefan suddenly stated, cold sweat drenching his back.

"What?" Zach questioned confused, for of course, his senses were not as attuned to magic and spirit as Vampires were and Stefan could see, no practically taste the power radiating off of Sam.

The air seemed to vibrate with it.

"Am I going to be invited in, or are we going to hold this conversation here in the open?" Sam questioned, gesturing to the surrounding garden with his gaze.

"No, come in," Stefan stated, gently pushing Zach to the side, making way.

Samael seeing this walked inside.

"Nice place, have you been redecorating. Last time I was here that painting wasn't there." Sam stated.

"Stefan's been making himself home," Zach stated, still confused, but more wary now. Because Stefan may be a vampire, but he's still family and he trusts him.

"Really now, planning to stay a while?" Sam questions, though something about his voice set Stefan off.

Every part of his being was telling him to run, his every nerve-end was on fire with the need to fight or flee. It was as if he had met death itself.

In a sense unknown to Stefan, that is what Samael represented, as the one prophecized to end his sire.

"Zach, why don't you go back to watch your show. I'll go and take our friend upstairs, our conversation may be a long one." And as Stefan stated this he started to walk up the stairs, never leaving Samael a moment out of his awareness as the Stand User followed after him.

As they entered Stefan's room, Samael decided to sit on one of the chairs of the table, Stefan doing the same, sitting at his opposite.

"I don't like to beat around the bush, so I'll cut to the chase, why have you been stalking my girlfriend?" Samael questioned seriously and as he did, Stefan could feel the air becoming colder.

His breath letting out bits of steam.

'What the hell is he? How is he doing this?' Stefan thought to himself as he soon after began to answer, "Look, I don't have any desire to harm you or Elena-"

"Elena you say, quite the familiar way of calling her name. Somehow, I don't quite appreciate that." Samael stated and as he did, Stefan could feel the pressure around him increase a bit.

"-Miss Gilbert. I don't have any ill will towards either you or her." Stefan finished and as he did, the pressure seemed to let up as he started calling Elena by her last name.

"Then explain, why are you stalking her? Why were you there the night when their car fell off the bridge?" Samael questioned.

He of course already knew Stefan's intentions and that he wasn't the one who caused the car to fall off, for he had enough time so see no evidence of that when he went to save Elena and her parents, but he needed to both play the part and fish for information to see if anything is different from what he knew.

It would be foolish to rely solely on the knowledge of a show or novel when your very existence makes it different than what it was supposed to be.

"I wasn't the one who caused it, I went there to actually save them. Though I saw then that it wasn't needed, because you were already there." Stefan explained calmly. Not letting any anger appear at the accusation.

"Fine, but explain then why you have been following her. And do so now in completeness, with full clarity, because I really don't like repeating myself. I have already done so thrice now, and there is no fourth chance." Samael stated, his tone serious, soft, but full of coldness and threat.

Stefan remained silent for a moment before he stood up and walked towards a shelf, taking a book, opening it up to its first page and putting it in front of Sam.

On it was the picture of Katerina Petrova, or as chose to call herself, Katherine Pierce, 1864.

"It all began when a noble lady, named Katherine Pierce came to our home for aid..."

And so Stefan Salvatore began his tale.


(Author note: Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Do please tell me if you still wish for me to continue the story or not.

Please comment, so that I actually know and for more motivation, because Interaction with you guys is one of the main reasons I write.

So yeah, see you all hopefully later,


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