
Drinks with the Devil

Lucifer sat at an empty bar decorated with a tropical theme. The sign had said open, but the bar was eerily empty. Lucy didn't seem to mind as he casually hummed and went behind the bar to pour his own drink. Hawaiian songs were playing, a rare treat he enjoyed singing along to in his chosen British accent. Lucy didn't take breaks from being a therapist in hell often, especially since seeing his daughter could interrupt the timeline. Still, a quick drink across the country couldn't hurt. Sitting down at the bar he suddenly felt a presence. Looking around skeptically he found nothing, only for the front door to open suddenly, two beautiful women strolling inside.

"I still don't see why this is necessary", began one woman.

"Oh, Brennan you're spending too much time alone in the lab. A drink with friends will help keep your mind sharp." the other woman explained.

"Mm, perhaps...", Brennan mused.

"Hello ladies", Lucy smiled, adjusting his suits cufflinks,"Lucifer Morningstar, and who might you be darling?" he asked Brennan's friend.

Looking a little charmed, the woman answered, "Angela, now what's your real name? You practicing for a play?", she quipped.

"And where's Sherman?", asked Brennan, her tone now more accusatory.

"Ah if you mean our missing bar keep, I couldn't say. I suspected he would be back soon when I found the bar empty, but it has been a bit. Mm, the sign said open, and I assure you darling, I'm the one and only devil, in the flesh!", explained Lucy.

"This isn't right", squinted Brennan, "Booth!", she called out to the still open front door.

A large man entered the room in an FBI uniform. Taking in the scene quickly he took no time in stepping between the women and Lucifer."Trespassing, stealing drinks, doesn't look good for you here pal" said Booth.

"Lucifer Morningstar" he said cordially, "And don't worry, I paid for the drinks, mimosa?" he offered a drink to Booth.

"Pass", said Booth coldly.

"Wait, are you a client for The Finder?", asked Angela.

"Oh what a fun name! You're referencing the Sherman fellow, yes? I must admit my curiosity has peaked, but I'm afraid I'm just out for a drink and couldn't ignore this lovely little spot!", explained Lucy.

"I'll call him.", said Brennan, stepping a few paces back.

"So, Devils out for a drink?", asked Angela with a smirk.

"Yes, well time moves differently in Hell.", Lucy looked away as if thinking distantly, "I hate to step away from my therapist duties... but just a quick drink couldn't hurt!"

"Therapist duties?", questioned Angela.

"That's right! Lucifer Morningstar, sending reformed souls strait to heaven!", he said with some pride.

"That's absurd.", said Booth, loosing patience with the strange fellow.

"I don't know Booth, it sounds sweet! Lucifer, just how many souls have you saved from hell?", asked Angela.

"Ah, um, well, you see... it's proving a little harder than I anticipated.", Lucy grimaced.

"But you said time moves slower in hell?", Angela puzzled.

"Yes, well working alone and starting with some tough cases has put, just a little dent in my timetable. What are a few more eons to the Devil? I have faith, or my friends do, in me that is.", Lucy explained.

Booth opened his mouth but Brennan returned, shaking her head to indicate that Sherman hadn't answered.Without warning the Hawaiian music faded into errie silence and the air at a nearby table began to shimmer and glow, a small gust appearing out of nowhere, before a man in a black T and sweatpants simply appeared in the empty space."More clowns in your magic show?", asked Booth, hand on his firearm, he was clearly lost as to whether they were in danger or not.

"Afraid not Mr. Booth.", Lucy said as he stepped between the group and the strange man, "Stay back! Just who are you? I've never met an angle with such lovely red hair.

""Ah thank you Lucy, sadly you wouldn't know me, not from here. There was an event nearby that caught my attention, and I wanted to add a few more players to set the stage before I grabbed the popcorn so to speak. Ah, but where are my manors? You can call me the Narrator! I've come with an offer you'll all find quite irresistible.", the man smiled wide.

"Players? Is there a gas leak? Did Sherman finally get psychedelics in me?", questioned Brennan.

"Alright that's enough! I'm bringing you both in for questioning regarding the disappearance of Sherman...", Booth was cut off.

"Now, now, Booth, Bones, Angela, Lucifer, won't you listen to my offer? Hm, perhaps another demonstration. I can't think of a natural way to bring the stragglers here anyway.", the Narrator snapped his fingers and two more people popped into existence beside them.A man with short, disheveled hair and a woman with a long face looked around, confused, before finding each other.

"Debra?!", the man questioned.

"Dexter!", the woman ran over to him to embrace him.

"You're, you're dead! Am, am I dead? Yes, Harrison shot me.", Dexter puzzled over his situation.

"Enough tricks freak!", said Booth, drawing his pistol as his partner Bones was terrified of the supernatural scene suddenly interrupting her logical life.

The Narrator sighed and before anyone else could move, used shimmering pistol out of thin air to shoot himself in the head. The others stood dumbstruck as the sound dissipated, except for Lucy, rolling his eyes. "Satisfied?", the Narrator asked.

"Booth", Brennan placed a hand on his pistol. Sighing, Booth slowly holstered his weapon.

"Wonderful! I'll explain quickly! The Finder happened to be away, sorry about that. Dexter and Debra, I've brought you both here for a second chance, feel free to contact those you know for help. And now for all of you. I've brought villains from your pasts to terrorize this reality.", the Narrator let his words sink in, "Just as I've brought these two from... elsewhere. My proposal is simple, capture or defeat these villains and I'll return all of you to a universe full of your wildest wishes, with no consequences whatsoever. Dexter, I can bring back your wife, and help you with your problem. Lucy, I can enable the timeline to remain intact so you can visit your daughter. And I know you three would love to bring some people back yes?"

The players looked amongst each other before Lucy spoke. ""I must admit I'm usually on the other side of these dealings, but I'll bite, but what if we lose or refuse?"

"You'll be sent back to your proper place, as if nothing happened, however, at least this world will be plagued by the villains.", the Narrator explained.

"Rules?", questioned Angela, crossing her arms with impatience.

"No rules! The people you work with will be available as well. I've even got a hint for you! At the fringes, lies one of two great enemies. Well alright, I'll hear your answers now.", the Narrator said and awaited their responses.

"Booth, if anyone we've put away were to come back...", Brennan placed her hand on Booth's shoulder."I know.", he said thoughtfully.

"I guess we're in.", shrugged Angela

"Debra, don't ask me to lose you again.", said Dexter.

Debra sighed, "No consequences?", she asked.

"Cross my heart.", said the Narrator, shiny red lines appearing for a moment as his fingers traced am x over his heart.

"We can contact our friends?", asked Lucy.

"Indeed! This timeline will flow just fine of you see them Lucy, so enjoy and good luck! A guess a little direction would help. Make some room at the lab Bones, some other players should join you today.", said the Narrator.

"Wait that's it?", questioned Angela.

Looking to the Narrator the group was surprised to see he had vanished just as quickly as he appeared."Well that could have gone worse for celestial matters. Mrs Brennan, could I get the address of this lab? I'm afraid ill have to prepare my allies, they could be targeted.", explained Lucy.

"Of course, the Jeffersonian institute, ask for us. Booth, we've got to warn everyone.", Brennan said hurriedly.

Dexter cleared his throat before asking, "Any chance we could get a ride?"

"Miami metro.", Debra said, reaching for a hand shake.

"Fbi.", nods Booth, doing the same.

"So, who are the enemies of the Devil?", asked Angela.

"Let's hope we don't have to find out. See you all later today as our Narrator friend said!", Lucy said before rushing our the building. The sound of flapping wings could be heard and the others came outside to investigate, finding Lucy had vanished.

"Booth, is this really happening?", the logical Brennan was unnaturally perplexed.

"You'll figure it out Bones, you always do.", Booth held his partner, "We've got to move, who knows which bad guys have been unleashed?"

"Keep it locked down Dex.", Debra whispered as she walked past him and to the others entering an FBI van.

"Right, she knowns", thought Dexter, "The Narrator didn't see me as a villain, can I actually... shed my dark passenger? He said anything, no consequences. My wife, my son..." , Dexter mulled over his new situation as he got into the van with the others. Suddenly remembering his final moments he checked his chest for a gunshot, finding nothing.

"Hold on metro, we're not in Miami anymore!", said Booth suddenly as he peeled out of the parking lot in the van.

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