
Impending guests

In case anyone is wondering how the classes and abilities work. Every 5 levels they get to choose from two abilities. As for abilities getting stronger, I didn't want to add numbers to them but it's a combination of practice/leveling. The more they use it the better it will be. The same goes for leveling but only using one method (power leveling) at a time will not make it stronger by much. And for the tower points remember that people still need to sleep, eat, and that the fire nation is part of an organized military every person can't be hunting all the time so how many and how fast he gets points is supposed to fluctuate a good bit when he only has one large group in the tower. 


"What happened while I was gone?" I asked myself. 

Concerned, I directly teleported myself to the edge of the safe zone on the fifth floor and moved to the tent. 

"Analay are you hear" I called out. 

"Back here" I heard her answer from behind the tent. 

I walked around the perimeter of the tent till I found her playing with her son, I then pulled up both of their status screens. 

Name: Analay

Class: Healer

Level: 10

XP: 2/100

Strength- 3


Agility: 3

Constitution: 4

Will: 2

Mind: 7

Spirit: 6

Skills: [edge weapons 3] [blunt weapons 2]

Abilities: [weak heal]

Name: Tyro

Class: Earthbender

Level: 1

XP: 0/10

Strength- 2


Agility: 2

Constitution: 1

Will: 2

Mind: 3

Spirit: 4

Skills: [Earthbending 2]

Looks like Analay finally got her class and Tyro seems to have increased his stats a bit, most likely because he is a growing boy. 

"Where is He Tun?" I asked.

"He went to hunt monsters on the third floor, him and the boys wanted a break from the higher level monsters" 

"Alright just stay within the safe zone for now"

"Did something happen?"

"It's nothing, just want to check in on them" I said teleporting to the third floor. 

Immediately I saw something off, just a few meters ahead of me was a group of fire nation soldiers looking like they had surrounded something. 

"What's going on over here?" I yelled out. 

Startled, the soldiers quickly looked back at me ready for an attack, except as soon as they saw me they looked even more concerned. 

One soldier quickly approached saying "A few of our people have disappeared and were trying to find out why"

Looking at the break in the circle I could see He Tun and the boys standing there as still as a statue but with angry faces on them. Walking past the guard I approached He Tun.

"What happened" 

"We were hunting on this floor when a group of fire nation soldiers approached us demanding we leave when we refused they attacked" He Tun said through gritted teeth. 

Turning to the soldiers I asked "You are aware that harming people is against the rules correct" 

Avoiding my gaze a soldier responded with "We are aware, but this is our hunting ground, we will not allow these people to interfere" 

Feeling a bit pissed I responded saying "The tower is for everybody, not just you guys had you actually gotten into a fight with him you would have died" 

"We are part of the greatest nation in the world…" he started but I was quick to respond. 

"I want you out of my tower immediately, if you return then you will face more serious consequences" I started off strongly saying that but by the end I sort of drew off seeing the notification popping up. 

[Do you wish to ban this person]

Limited time- 50 points

Permanently- 100 points

'What the fuck? Why is there no tutorial for this shit' I screamed in my head pulling up my tower points. 

[367 tower points]

"In fact you are already banned from the tower" I said to get my point across. 

A second later the soldier disappeared out of the tower, leaving behind no trace of his existence.

"What did you do?" Another soldier questioned. Then the next second later he too disappeared. 

[167 tower points]

Turning to the other soldiers I said "Now I have made myself clear, you are all to leave the tower immediately, and I will be having a word with you commander" 

In a hurry they all simply just turned and ran in the direction of the floor exit. Watching them run for a second I then turned my stanchion back to He Tun. 

"Are you guys good?"

"Yeah we are fine, it wasn't easy to hold back from attacking them some more"

"What? You attacked them, did anything happen afterwards, any notifications" I questioned. 

"Not that I saw" 

'The Rules must differentiate between the attackers and the attacked' I thought. 

"How did the trip to Omashu"

"It was good the king will be sending some people to the tower as soon as he can"

"Good, that's better than more fire nation"

"Alright I suggest you just be done for today; you wife is playing with you child up on the fifth floor"

"We will do that thank you for sorting that out"

"No problem, it's been a long few days and they got on my nerves"

As he walked away I pulled up his status. 

Name: He Tun

Class: Fighter

Level: 13

XP: 123/250

Strength- 11


Agility: 6

Constitution: 3

Will: 2

Mind: 1

Spirit: 1

Skills: [Swordsmanship 1] [Hand to hand 3]

Abilities: [Empower] 

"He has definitely gotten stronger"

Teleporting to the first floor I made my way to the fire nations camp where I was stopped by two soldiers.

"Do not pass, what is your business here?" one asked.

"I am the Tower master and I am here to talk to Commander Zhao, please inform him I am here" I replied in as stern a voice I could muster.

It must have worked as they told me to wait then one ran off into the camp returning a minute or two later. 

"Commander Zhao has agreed to meet you"

'As if they could stop me' I thought to myself. Following them through the camp I was led to the same tent as I had been in before. Once I entered I saw Zhao sitting at his desk waiting for me. I quickly examined his status. 

Name: Zhao

Class: Firebender 

Level: 7

XP: 39/40

Strength- 8


Agility: 4

Constitution: 4

Will: 3

Mind: 6

Spirit: 9

Free point:

Skills: [Swords 4] [spear 2] [Firebending 6]

"My people tell me they have been banned from the tower" He started off.

"They broke the rules, they cannot attack other participants within the tower" 

"Is there a way we could rectify the situation, I'm sure we could come to an understanding" He said trying to convince me. 

"No, not breaking the rules is a serious offence as I have said before this tower if for everyone not just the fire nation". 

"That brings me to the next part of our conversation, I received a bird this morning that informed me that the fire nation capital will be sending a royal adviser here to confirm this place's existence for the fire lord, he will undoubtedly bring more people with him".

"That is fine as long as they follow the rule and don't attempt to prevent my future guests from entering the tower"

"Future Guests?" 

"Yes king Bumi of Omashu is sending people here to participate in the tower"

"And if I am unable to stop them from breaking your rules?"

"Then I will ban the entire fire nation from the tower including the royal family" I bluffed. 

"Then I better make sure they behave" 

"See that you do" was my last word before teleporting away. "Man, that felt badass, didn't know I had it in me" I said a bit giddy. 

Opening my tower points I saw that a good few have already been replenished, mostly thanks to the help of the many fire nation participants. 

[294 tower points] 

"Alright I think it's time for some dungeons" I said to myself. 





Class stones:



"Open Dungeons"

[Dungeon: these are unique challenge within the tower which will automatically reset providing gear, supplies and even skills or abilities in some cases]

'I was wondering where people would get gear and stuff from'

[Dungeon cost 100 points]

Easy difficulty

Medium difficulty

Advanced difficulty

Hard difficulty

Very hard difficulty

[Notice! Each difficulty scales with the floor it is on, and easy dungeon on the fifth floor will be harder than the one on the first floor]

I ended up waiting an hour for my points to reach above three hundred then bought three dungeons. One on the first floor and then a medium one on the third as well as the fifth floors. 

[Dungeon: Slime cavern (easy) has appeared on the first floor]

[Dungeon: Scorpions den (Medium) has appeared on the third floor]

[Dungeon: Goblin encampment (Medium) has appeared on the fifth floor]

Opening my map, I scanned the floors looking for where they might be. Luckily the map added a sort of stone archway symbol where each dungeon is. 

"Alright next on the agenda is to check out the skills and abilities. With that I bought a swordsmanship one and empower from the store. 

[15 tower points]

Two books fell in my hands as I held them out, one was grey the other a reddish hue of brown. The grey one said swordsmanship and the red one was empower. 

[Would you like to learn skill: Swordsmanship one]

[Would you like to learn ability: Empower]

"Yes" I said, both books soon broke apart into what looked like sand, and I opened my status. 

"Umm let's see here, Status?"

Name: Callum H. Williams

Tower points: 15



Agility: ??

Constitution: ??

Will: ??

Mind: ??

Spirit: ??

Skills: [Swordsmanship 1]

Abilities: [Empower]

Floors Information:

Territory Map:


Almost instantaneously I knew how to hold and swing a sword almost as if I had always known it. Looking at empower I just knew that a little bit of focus would let me use the ability.

"Wait why didn't I think of this before" I said smacking my own forehead "Store, search, airbending"


Airbending- 300 points

"Hmm, this is a skill right wonder why there is no number next to it" I questioned "Let's try search airbending three"

[Error! Bending is as special skill part of the existing world, higher forms of it cannot be replicated] 

"Well, that suck" I said aloud. 

"Either way I'm saving up for that next time I am not going to be in the world of avatar without bending. Worst case scenario I can just ask someone to teach me bending or find a scroll" I convinced myself. 

"Now let's go check on those dungeons next" 

Next chapter