

Author's note: I know the MC is a bit weak right now and I understand that it might be weird. The plan was to keep him a bit weak for the first ten or so chapters to give a chance for the fire nation to also use the tower. The entire point of the tower is to provide chances for everybody to get stronger not just whoever the MC chooses as the story goes on he will get more and more powerful. 


"Alright if I'm going to meet a king, I need to look a bit better" I said looking at my current clothes. It's been almost two weeks since I decided to go to Omashu and talk to the king himself. I am just hoping my visit is nothing like Aangs. I considered going to the Earth King, but I have no desire to deal with Long Feng's scheming. 

[523 Tower points] 

Luckily with the influx of people leveling I gained points pretty quickly over the past week or so "Shop, Search, Nice Clothes"


Fire nation formal wear- 50 points

Earth Kingdom formal wear- 50 points

Water tribe formal wear- 50 points

Air nomad formal wear- 50 points

peasant clothes- 10 points

Custom clothes- 70 points 

"Well considering I am meeting Bumi I should probably choose something a bit unique" I said to myself. 

[Custom clothes chosen please design system will fix mistakes] 

What came up after was just a blank panel. Running my finger across it a line appeared "Guess I really do have to design it?" 

After about an hour of designing I ended up with something similar to Alucards from Van Helsing, minus the glasses, hat and red ascot. Wanton to make it a bit more unique I added in some black accents along the seams of the jacket. 

"Well this looks a bit weird to me but Bumi will most likely enjoy it considering his fashion sense" I chuckle to myself remembering his clothes from the TV show. "I should probably teleport inside the walls if I remember correctly security might just through me off the cliff" 

[Warning teleporting outside your territory will cost you 200 points]



"Accept" and with that I was transported across the world, who knows how many miles. 

When my vision cleared a bit, I was standing in an empty alleyway; lucky me; looking up I could see the walls and the practically mountains of buildings. 

"This is beautiful" I exclaimed. 

Walking out from the alley I was bombarded by the traffic of people and carts going in every direction. Surprisingly though after people started noticing me I got a pretty wide berth. 

"Should have teleported closer to the castle? Fortress? No clue what it is technically called lets just walk there" 

Picking up my pace I started walking in the direction of the castle trying to get there quickly. Eventually I came to a wall with an elevator operated by earthbenders, it took a while but I finally made it to the front of the line. Getting some weird looks from the guards I joined people on the elevator and rose up to the higher parts of the city. 

The view from here was quite beautiful, looking outside the city, you could see the landscape stretching on and on. In fact, I think I see where the secret tunnel is supposed to be, I could be wrong though. 

From that point it was pretty much a straight walk to the castle itself but as soon as I approached, I encountered A problem. 

"Stop, you will not go any further" 

Turning around I was greeted with about twenty earthbenders all in ready stances to throw rocks at me. I knew I would be stopped but I didn't think that would happen until I got near the castle. 

"What is your business here" 

"I am here to see the king," I answered evenly. 

"You were not seen at the gates? How did you get in" they questioned. 

"I… Uhhh wasn't wearing the coat when I came in" I said, not wanting to explain teleportation. 

The soldiers looked at me like I was an idiot then simultaneously threw rocks at me trying to cuff my hands. 

[You have been attacked damage negated]

"Well glad to know that works" I said aloud. 

Looking at me with caution the earthbenders surrounded me trying again and again to cuff me or harm me. Each time the rocks simply bounced off or turned to dust. 

My god am I tired of being attacked, I know I can't be hurt but nobody likes rocks being thrown at them. 

"What are you, an earthbender?" One guard asked.

Deciding to play a part I replied "Yes I am an earthbender, I am a diplomat from Bas Sing Se here to talk to the earth king" 

"We will take you to the palace but you will be confined until we can be certain of you are not a threat" 

"Fair enough"

With even more gazes watching me I was led through the gates of the castle past corridors and rooms taking a left or right at some places until we eventually came to an empty wall. Earthbending the wall away I was treated with a plain room with a few raised beds and some ventilation holes in the walls. 

"You will stay here until called, We will have some refreshments brought to you, do not attempt to escape there will be guards station outside" 

"That is fine with me" 

It took a few minutes for the refreshments to arrive, which ended up being some water and bread far from the royal hospitality I had hoped for. I could most likely teleport out if I wanted and go find Bumi myself but that would be a bad idea, he is a powerful earthbender and a random person simply appearing; now matter how crazy you are; would still be a red flag. Plus I didn't want to waste the tower points. 

[253 Tower points]

It took about an hour for a guard to open back up the jail wall. 

"The king has asked us to lead you to a new cell"

"New cell" I asked confused. 

"Apparently he wants you in the refurbished chamber"


"It used to be the bad chamber until the recent refurbishing"

'He did not just quote the TV show, that wasn't even his line' I thought to myself. 

"Lead the way"

Walking back through the halls I was led back to another cell. This one was a lot nicer; the beds had pellow's and cloth. There was even a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. 

"Wait here" the guard commanded, closing the wall up behind him. 

This looked a little familiar "Oh gosh this looks almost like the same cell Aang and the gang were put in" which pretty much confirms that like with Aang, King Bumi was messing with me. I just hope that he doesn't make me do any stupid challenges. 

A few hours of rest later I heard the wall open up and six guards entered the chamber. 

"You will come with us, the king wants to meet the self proclaimed diplomat" 

"Just like that?"

"Just like that, you are in the middle of one of the greatest Earth Kingdom cities in the world. There are dozens of guards, you will not be able to escape" 

"Alright then lead the way" 

I followed them yet again through the castle as they led me to wherever I was going to meet the king. The castle was quite beautiful, but I was too nervous and excited to be meeting the strongest earthbender alive right now. 

Soon we arrived in a nicer part of the castle with banners and rug covering up the rock. At the end of the short hall was a pair of large double doors.

"Enter and take a seat" a guard commanded. 

"Alright" I said, starting my walk over to the doors. When I reached them, I sucked in a large breath to calm my nerves then pushed the doors open. 

Merry Christmas. thank you everyone for your comments. they are helping me do better on the story and characters.

GramGebcreators' thoughts
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