
New people

Authors note: Callum is not the smartest person he is a normal dude in a crazy situation. 

Also, for stats this is usually how it goes. 

Normal person: 1-3 Solider: 3-6 Somone like Commander Zhao: 7-8. This is just a general outline of the initial stats these people would see when entering the tower. Stats will get higher than this over time. 


It has been about a week since He Tun and his family have arrived and since then I have figured out that their leveling also got me some Tower points. I also tried to find the villagers from before but every time I approached, they ran so I decided to leave them alone. Through my insistence He Tun became more familiar with me just calling me Callum, which was a lot more comfortable then him bowing to me. I was able to have the two boys participate but He Tun was adamant that his wife and child does not participate. I understood this but I wanted to figure out why his kid, despite being an earthbender, didn't have the ability or skill for it like I had expected. 

After many hunts He Tun was level five almost level six and had increased his skills in combat while his sons were only level three. Despite the benefits that they had gained they were still hesitant to go deeper into the first level. Truthfully, I think that he could have already made it to the second or third floor if he really went at it, but these people have never experienced something like this and fear of the unknown is powerful.

Walking down to the first floor I met up with He Tun who was quite close to the boss area "Hey He Tun you have leveled up a few times I think it's time you fight the boss monster" 

He Tun pointed over to the large slime in a clearing "I do not think I am ready for that" 

"Even if you don't feel ready yourself you still have your two kids who could help"

"I don't think I want them fighting something like that" 

"They don't need to fight exactly; a good strategy is to just have them distract it while you run in and do some damage"

"I still don't…" he started but I was quick to interrupt. 

"You're doing well on this floor, but you will only get stronger if you go up to a higher floor, there's even a safe zone you can keep your family on the fifth level"

"Safe zone?" 

"It's an area on a floor that no monsters can enter into and since people can't hurt each other before floor six it would be a safe place for your entire family while you get stronger here, Look if anything happens, I will step in" 

"Okay give me a bit and I'll grab my kids" 

About an hour later I watched as the whole family stood nearby. The three men walked towards the boss all from different directions. "Remember to not attack all at once, go one at a time it can't attack all of you at once" I called out. 

I watched as He Tun quickly ran forward leaving a shallow slash on the slimes body that quickly healed. Then one at a time each person kept cutting it until it finally dissolved into the ground leaving some goo behind. Honestly, they could have cut deeper but for something almost as tall as them they did quite well. 

"Congratulations for defeating the boss, you can now move onto the second floor"

"Alright..." He Tun said hesitantly. 

"It's alright from what I have observed. The immediate area around the entrance doesn't usually have monsters around" I said walking with them as we entered the second floor. 

The second floor was similar to the first with mostly flat ground but with a lot denser of a forest though still with light shining through the canopy. 

"As a reward I would like to give you this" Pulling up the shop I quickly pulled out a ten person tent so they don't have to sleep outside anymore.

"It can't be comfortable sleeping on the ground especially since the first floor was always day so this tent should make it better sleep" 

"Thank you, Callum," Analay said. 

"No problem"

I then spent the next day or so; hard to tell in the tower; helping them with the tent and looking around the second floor. I knew that they would take their time with the floor, probably spending at least another week here, so I stressed upon them to try and move forward while I dealt with some things. 

"Finally, I can deal with this notification" I said to no one in particular. 

[Notice!] Large group entering territory. 

Opening my map, it took a while till I found the don't move around in my western territory. Since the notification had appeared I had been contemplating on how to approach this group but I had no experience besides the one group so that was basically nothing. I think it's best I just approach them and deal with it however I can. 

Looking through the map I noticed that this group was already right outside the tower already walking in. So, against my better judgment I teleported right in front of them at the first-floor entrance. 

"Where the hell did you come from" is immediately yelled in my face. 

"Uhmm.. sorry I was just coming to…"

"Quiet" someone said "You there go get the commander we need to interrogate this spy" 

"Wait, I'm not a….." I started but I finally got a good look at the people surrounding me. Each one was wearing a red uniform with large shoulder pads and black lining. Each one wore a helmet that topped at a dull point with the faceplate open and a small piece of metal going from the forehead to the bridge of their nose. 

"Was not expecting a fire nation" I whispered. 

"What was that!"


I just stood there in the center of a ring of spears as we waited for their captain to arrive. 

It took a few minutes but a plain looking man with light brown hair and a mustache arrived at the front of the circle.

"My name is Li Ten, captain of this patrol, what is your purpose within this place, spy" he introduced. 

"I am not a spy I am just here to talk" I began but he interrupted 

"To lead us into a trap" he stated turning to one of his subordinates "Kill him then search him" 

Feeling a slight pressure on my neck a notification popped up. 

[You have been attacked damage negated] 

Eyes widening, I looked behind to see a group of wide-eyed fire nation soldiers. 

"Everyone attacks!" The captain screamed. 

Covering my head I just took what they dished out letting the system negate the damage they did. It may just be best to let them do what they want till they stop. 

Eventually the pressure stopped, and I looked up only to cover my head again as a wave of fire made its way towards me. Waiting till it passed I decided to take a more proactive role here. 

"STOP ATTACKING ME!!!" I screamed feeling stupid I didn't think of teleporting. Honestly, I would have left now but these were the only people in my territory right now and I wanted more points. 

"What are you?" a random person screamed. 

"I am the owner of that tower" I said pointing at it "and I am here to offer you an opportunity" 

"What opportunity" This time it was the captain that said this as he moved to the front. 

"The fire nation desires strength, right?" I started but didn't give them time to respond "the tower offers power to everyone that enters into it, you kill monsters and get stronger you can even become stronger than the avatar or fire lord" 

Putting another spear to my throat the captain spoke "What do you know about that this place" 

"Like I told you it's mine and it offers the opportunity to get stronger than anybody else"

"And this blue box in front of me"

"It's the system, it measures your strength, skills and abilities and puts it into a readable form. Simply say status and you will see your own" 

"Status" The captain spoke, and his eyes immediately widened.

Okay let's check out his status. 

Name: Li Ten

Class: Firebender

Level: 1

XP: 0/10

Strength- 5


Agility: 4

Constitution: 4

Will: 3

Mind: 4

Spirit: 5

Skills: [Spears 3] [Swords 2] [Hand to hand 2] [Fire bending 4]

Okay that is definitely higher than He Tun's initial status sheet. I am guessing that that's because he is a soldier. As far as I remember, fire nation citizens did attend an academy before enlisting. 

Pointing at me the captain stated, "You stay here" then he pointed to a few soldiers "you guys go hunt something".

"But sir we don't know what is…" on started 

"It doesn't matter if you die then you die for the fire nation if you don't go then you'll be labeled a deserter". The captain practically yelled. 

I watched as four soldiers broke from the group and walked out into the sparse forest with some part of me hoping that they wouldn't come back. I know the fire nation will try to capitalize on the tower if they discover it but one of my Cardinal rules is that they can't prevent people from coming into the tower. Plus, with their army they can provide a good amount of tower points, Aang will stop them anyways. 

Next chapter