

Opening my eyes I felt the sun? On the first floor shining down on my face I stood up and rubbed my face and eyes. Strangely enough I haven't felt hungry since I had come here, maybe that was one for the perks. Walking outside the tower the sun was already almost right above me. 

"Guess this is as good a time as ever" I said as I teleported near the small village. 

The village itself was nothing impressive, the houses were made of rock and the roofs were a mix of wood and whatever people made their roofs out of. One thing was clear: I was not in the modern era. Wherever I seemed to be in the medieval times. 

Closing in on an older gentleman pushing a cart I introduced myself "Hello there" I laughed to myself "I am Callum, and I have come here to…."

"You better get out of here kid everyone is trying to leave" he said


"Are you blind!" he practically yelled attracting a few stares "do you not see that" he said pointing at my tower. 

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk…" I interrupted. 

"Whatever that thing is it's no good, the spirits are angry for some reason and we're getting out of here while we still can" he said a bit quietly. 

"Spirits?" I was confused. Might as well just rip the band aid off. "That's actually my tower and I wanted to invite you guys to visit". 

"What?" was the only sound out his mouth. 

"I said that's my tower and I want you to come to it"

His face paled and he dropped to his knees. "Please don't harm us. Whatever we did to anger you we will make it right!" he screamed as other people stared.

Soon almost everyone was on their knees begging to me and some were running away from me. 

"I'm not going to hurt you I simply wanted to invite some of you to visit my tower" 

"We would be happy to send some people over if that is what you desire" a kneeling woman screamed out. 

"Okay, okay, stand up please I just want you to visit. There's an opportunity I would like to discuss with you." I stated. 

An elder person quickly stood up and approached "we will make sure people are sent over immediately please just spare us"

I give up. I just want this conversation to end. "Okay okay I'll be at my tower ready to see you then" I waved and immediately teleported back to the tower. 

"That was a disaster". That interaction was a complete disaster. Every sentence out of my mouth made the situation worse and worse. The pointed ears and teleporting just made my entire situation even worse. 

POV Switch

I am an old man now. It had been many years since I was a young man. Despite what those bastards in Ba sing Se said, there was a war going on and it had taken its toll on all of the Earth Kingdom. Even though they weren't at the front line they were still fire nation patrols wandering around the flats demanding tribute from any village they passed. 

"Hey, He Tun, what are you doing with that car?" someone yelled from his right. 

Turning my head to check who it was I quickly responded "Hey Jin, just trying to get some furniture out of my house before we leave"

"Ha, you and everybody else in this damned village"

Before I could respond I heard someone speak from right in front of me. 

"Hello there, I am Callum, and I have come here to…."

"You better get out of here kid everyone is trying to leave" I interrupted the stranger. I know I am being rude, but it is best to warn him off quickly. 

"Why?" he asked like he hadn't seen the massive tower that had suddenly appeared a day ago. 

"Are you blind!" I yelled confused "do you not see that" I stated pointing at the tower behind him

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk…" he began but I quickly interrupted.

"Whatever that thing is it's no good, the spirits are angry for some reason and we're getting out of here while we still can"

"Spirits?" he questioned. Then he looked back at the tower "That's actually my tower and I wanted to invite you guys to visit". 

"What?" I was confused. Looking at the young man I noticed the clothes were way too nice, they looked like they were made of silk. His pale hair and forest green eyes made him look quite handsome but then my eyes landed on his ears. 

"I said that's my tower and I want you to come to it" he repeated. 

The color drained from my face as I processed what he had said fear creeped into my body. I immediately fell to my knees with my hand raised in front of me. I didn't care what people saw, I was just terrified right now. "Please don't harm us. Whatever we did to anger you we will make it right!". 

Soon most of the people around me were on their knees as well as some others ran for their lives. 

"I'm not going to hurt you, I simply wanted to invite some of you to visit my tower" he responded. 

Sacrifice. Was the only word that went through my head as he said that. 

"We would be happy to send some people over if that is what you desire" Lin yelled out from my right. 

"Okay, okay, stand up please I just want you to visit. There's an opportunity I would like to discuss with you." 

Elder Hu Ming quickly approached the spirit and responded ""we will make sure people are sent over immediately please just spare us"

"Okay I'll be at my tower ready to see you then" was the spirits response before he simply disappeared. 

I was absolutely terrified. A spirit had visited us and demanded sacrifices, the worst part was that he didn't mention when he expected these sacrifices. With everyone standing up Elder Hu was quick to gather the people who ran and all those who were in his presence in a large gathering. 

"Okay everyone let's gather around" Elder Hu loudly called "It seems we have an issue, A spirit has visited" 

At this point me and everyone else started whispering among ourselves about what to do as Elder Hu continued talking "I believe it is only fair to send the people who ran" 

"What are you talking about? He didn't ask us" someone yelled out. 

"Yeah, why don't we just send the elders, their the oldest of us" 

"Yeah, lets send the elders" 

Looking around at the older members of our community I elected to keep my eyes shut for the sake of my family and just as I decided that someone screamed out my name. 

"What about He Tun, the spirit was talking to him"

Standing straighter I looked around trying to find who had spoken but although no one said anything else no one pointed them out either. 

"Because I have a family" I yelled back out after a short pause. 

"So do we," a few people screamed. 

With the arguments brewing I quickly ran back to my home slamming the door open. Seeing my sons sitting at the table I yelled "get your stuff we're leaving"

"What??" they began but I had no time for it. 

"Just do it!!" 

"Honey what's going on" I heard from behind me. 

Turning around towards the door I saw my wife holding our ten-year-old child's hand "Analay don't argue just grab some stuff we need to leave" 

"What are you talking abo…." she begun 

Interrupting I said "No arguing just grab your stuff"

Probably sensing the seriousness in my voice, we quickly packed some food and grabbed some clothes then made our way outside. 

"You have some business to take care of" Elder Hu stated as he stood outside the door and as I tried to push past him, I noticed the large crowd standing behind him. Most of them have guilty faces.

Keep in mid that the main charecter dosen't know he's in avatar yet.

GramGebcreators' thoughts
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