
Chapter 46: True Colors

In the town of Wartwood, everyone was going about their business. But business was much quieter than usual. That's because their visitors from another world have left the town early this morning. After the events of the talent show, everyone was sad to see Anne, Darrel, Sasha, and Marcy return home. However, they were glad to have met them till the end.

Anne, Darrel, Sasha, Marcy, and their amphibious friends traveled back to Newtopia, via Joe Sparrow and Carpet. Both flying companions were giving it all they've got, because they were carrying a lot of passengers.

Along the way, Cronaxx was rubbing his temple. "Uncle, are you sure you're okay?" Tint asked. "I'm okay, Tint," said Cronaxx. "I've just had a rough night last night. I don't know why, but I'm trying to remember my past." Darrel smiled, "Well don't try too hard. There's plenty of time to regain your memories when we get home."

"Newtopia, Ho!" Marcy cried. The gang look ahead and see the Gates of Newtopia again. Darrel smiles with excitement, knowing he's very close to returning home. 'I'm almost there, Mom,' thought Darrel. Suddenly, Joe Sparrow and Carpet started to shake and fall from the sky.

The gang splash into the water outside the gates. Frobo lifts up the group with his strength. "For Joe's sake, no one else is allowed to join our party," said Marcy. "Hey Darrel," said Tint. "Carpet is not responding." Darrel inspected the carpet and shrugged, "Looks like his enchantment has worn off. It's okay buddy, he did all he could. But now there's no need for him anymore."

The gang climb off Joe Sparrow and group up at the gates. "Okay guys," said Marcy. "Let's go over the plan one more time: First, I'm going to get us into the city. Anne's got the music box ready to give to King Andrias. And finally, Sasha and Grime, hoods up til after we give the king the music box. Once I tell him how much you helped us he'll clear you for sure."

Sasha and Grime put their hoods up with smirks on their faces, "Copy that," "Will do." Darrel takes one quick worried glance at Sasha, knowing that her plan will start once she's inside the gates. He wants to stop her, but he feels something much bigger going on.

The gang approaches the gates and the gatekeeper spots them. "Marcy Wu, and crew, reporting to King Andrias," said Marcy. "The gatekeeper opens the gates, and the gang enter the streets of Newtopia again.

"What an amazing adventure," said Marcy. "Almost makes you wish it could last forever, huh?" "Not sure I'd go that far," said Anne. "But yeah, it was pretty cool." "What about you Darrel?" Marcy asked. "It would be nice," said Darrel. "But all great stories must have an ending. No matter how badly you want to continue."

The two look at the Plantars and the Salamanders with smiles on their faces, remembering how grateful they were when they first found them. Polly suddenly started twitching and scratching her behind. "Polly, are you okay?" Sprig asked. "My butt is so itchy," replied Polly.

Tint and Cronaxx smiled, both knowing what was going to happen. "Should we tell them Uncle?" Tint asked. Cronaxx shook his head, "Maybe when they come out. I'd like to see their faces hands down."

"I can't believe we did it," said Sprig. "After all our adventures, this is the end." Sprig starts to sulk until Anne reaches his side. "Woah," she said. "Just because the adventure's over doesn't mean we can't see each other."

Darrel smiled, "Anne's probably right. Now that we know how the box works, we can use it to visit any time we'd like." Tint and Sprig smiled. "You guys can even visit me in my world," said Anne. "Wow, I never thought of that," said Tint. "That'd be awesome," said Sprig.

The group continue walking through the streets and reach the center of Newtopia. The guards open the doors to the throne room, and the group walk in. Waiting for them was King Andrias and Lady Olivia. Darrel bowed to the king, "It's a pleasure to see you again, your majesty." "My friends," said King Andrias. "Wonderful to see you! I trust you were successful?"

Anne takes out the calamity box with all four gems charged again. "Boom baby!" King Andrias was most pleased, "The charged music box. Well done! Well Done!" Darrel's smile quietly changes into a frown, and prepares for what could happen next.

"Now let's finally send you kids home," said King Andiras. Anne was just about to give King Andrias the music box. But then, Captain Grime shot his tongue and grabbed the box and gave it to Sasha. Darrel gives off an upset look, "You sure you want to do this Sasha?"

Sasha removes her hood, revealing herself to the King and the Newtopian guard. "It's what I do best," she replied. "Taking control. Now Grime!" Grime reveals himself, and slams down a hammer shaking the room. Most of the group fell to the ground, including King Andrias.

A couple of knights tried to stop them, but they were overpowered. "What the heck is going on here?" Hop pop asked. "I'll tell you what's going on," said Cronaxx. "Grime and Sasha are planning an invasion on Newtopia."

"Cut it out you guys!" Anne exclaimed. Suddenly, the group hears a roar coming from King Andrias. He charges at Captain Grime, pushing him against the wall. Tint was both impressed and scared at the same time.

"Stop!" Sasha cried. She is seen outside the balcony holding the box over the edge. "Not another move," she warned. "Or I smash it to pieces!"

"NO!" Marcy and Anne cried. "Sasha! I won't let you stand in my way of getting home," said Darrel. "You'd better listen to your friend there, that's your only way back," said King Andrias.

"Maybe I don't want to go home and rule the school," said Sasha. "Maybe I want to stay here, and rule the kingdom." She looks at Darrel and remembers his wizard skills. "But I must say, I'm surprised Darrel," she said "You should've known I would do something like this."

Anne, Marcy, and King Andrias look at him with surprised faces. "You're lying," said King Andrias. "No, she's right," said Darrel. "Fool me once, shame on you. But fool me twice, shame on me."

"You knew she was going to betray us!? And you let this happen?" Anne asked. Darrel took a deep breath. "I had to," said Darrel. "And I'm grateful you did," said Sasha.

Just then, Captain Grime swings his hammer on King Andrias' ankle, causing him to kneel. "King Andiras!" cried Marcy. "Both of you stop this!" Anne cried.

"Stop!? But we're just getting started," said Grime. He bellows his Toad call on the balcony, revealing hidden toad soldiers that snuck into Newtopia. The warning bells rang as the crowd began scattering all over the city.

"Soldiers of Newtopia!" Grime called. He shows the Newtopian army his hammer and climbs onto King Andrias' back. "Put down your arms this instant, or the next thing I smash will be your king's head!" The newts surrender and the toads capture them.

"Excellent," said Grime. "Open the Gates!" The toads at the front gates do what they are told and open the gates of Newtopia. Then they block the doors with door stops to keep them opened.

The toads escort King Andrias back into the throne room. "So you think you've won, do you?" King Andrias asked. "Sure do," said Grime. "And if you think things are bad now, in a couple of hours the rest of our army will be at your doorstep."

Darrel looks out to the valleys beyond the gates and spots the rest of the toad army marching their way to the gates of Newtopia. "This is only going to end one way," whispered Tint. "I know," replied Darrel.

"Take him to the dungeon," said Grime. "And find him an extra large cell." The toads obey his command and take King Andrias away. "You'll never get away with this!" he bellowed. He nods secretly to Marcy, and Marcy nods back.

Grime and Sasha take their places at the feet of the throne. "Well frogs," said Grime. "Say hello to the new rulers of Amphibia. Pretty hot right?" "I will say no such thing," said Cronaxx.

"Sorry things got a little crazy back there," said Sasha. "You guys good?" "No," replied Darrel. "Are you serious?!" Anne cried. "Sheesh, don't be sore losers," said Sasha as she sat down on her throne. "Look I'm gonna stay here and get this Toad regime off the ground. But I can totally send you three home if you want. Or you could stick around and give me a hand. What do you say?"

"What do I say?" Anne asked. "After everything you've done? I say that you're clearly insane, if you think I'm going to let you bully me and everyone else just to get what you want!" Anne was clearly on the no factor of Sasha's offer. So she turned to Darrel. "How about you Darrel? You in?"

"You may as well send me home," said Darrel. "Because I told you before, I wanted no part of what you're doing." "Oh please," said Sasha. "You and your salamander friends allowed me to invade Newtopia with ease. You could've stopped me from the moment things were going my way."

"Even if I didn't want you to, your plan is nothing more than a distraction," said Darrel. "Why did you think I let you invade Newtopia? Something big is going on. And one way or another, we're going to find out what it is!"

And of course Sasha wouldn't listen, "Look guys, I know you're upset right now. But-" "No!" Anne cried. "I'm done listening to you! I'm done trusting you! You're a horrible person, and I'm done being friends with you!" Sasha perked up with Anne's statement. She looks over to Darrel for a last support attempt. Darrel shook his head, "Magic lesson number 8: Control is an illusion."

Sasha frowns in hurt and disgust. The Plantars and the salamanders kept quiet after what they said. Marcy tries to calm Anne down. "You don't mean that Anne," she said, "We can still fix this."

"I'm sorry Marcy," said Darrel. "But this is something Sasha has to fix on her own." "Fine," said Sasha. "Well, since we're not friends. I guess I'll just send you guys home. And you can say 'goodbye' to your amphibian families forever!"

Darrel clenched his fists, staff in hand and tested Sasha. "Try me." He gets in front of everyone and takes a wizard stance. "My box, my rules," said Sasha. "It was never your box. Nor was it ours," said Darrel. Anne ran over to the Plantars and hugged them tight. Darrel closes his eyes and prepares to return home, fighting his ex girlfriend.

"Sorry guys," said Sasha. "Say 'hi' to your parents for me." She opens the box and the group expects something to happen. However, nothing did. Darrel opens his eyes and finds himself and Anne still in Amphibia.

"I don't understand," said Darrel. Sasha tried to wind the box, but nothing worked either. "Well, that was embarrassing," she said. "Until I can figure out how to use this thing. Guards! Take them to the dungeon!"

The toads surround them, preparing to take them away. "Hold on!" Darrel shouted. He walks to Sasha, using magical barriers to prevent the toads from stopping them. He takes out his photo of him and Sasha and gives it to her. "Take it," he said. "I still care about you. But if that means nothing to you, you can rip it up."

Darrel returns to the group and lowers the barriers, surrendering himself to the toads. "This isn't over Sasha!" Anne cried. "You hear me?! THIS ISN'T OVER!" The doors to the throne room close. Sasha looks at the photo that Darrel gave her. Realizing that she impacted on his life made her feel a tad guilty.

As the group made their way towards the dungeons, Anne started to fume with anger. "I can't believe I trusted her! She is such a jerk! I just wanna…" She started grunting, causing Darrel to pull back Tint and Sprig.

Anne cries in anger and headbutts one of the toads. Knocking two others to the ground. The toads stand guard preparing to take drastic measures. When all of a sudden, a mysterious newt crawls on the ceiling and attacks them.

With one swipe, the newt knocks them all down. "Woah," said Tint. "That was impressive." "Who the heck are you?" Hop pop asked. The newt chuckled, "I am General Yunan-" Knowing how boastful the newt is, Lady Olivia stopped her. "Her name is Yunan, she's very important, blah blah blah. We don't have time for this! Come on."

Lady Olivia opens a secret passage that leads them outside the castle. "This way everyone," she said. Everyone exits the castle and sneaks through the invaded streets of Newtopia. What was once a clean respectable city, turned into a mudhole of chaos, vandalism, and bullies.

They all take shelter at Sal's abandoned shop. Most of the group feel discouraged in light of what's going on. "The city's crawling with toads," said Sprig. "And there's still a whole army coming?" Hop pop asked. "Yep," said Marcy. "It's a full on toad rebellion. But don't worry, I've got a simple plan to solve all of this."

She takes out her telescope and looks to the army. "The toad army is less than an hour away. We have to close the front gate before they get here. Otherwise we'll be overrun."

"Tint, Darrel, and I can cast a magic barrier at the entrance in case things go south," said Cronaxx. "Oh sure, now you want to stop them," said Anne in a sarcastic tone. "What's that supposed to mean?" Tint asked.

"You guys are wizards!" said Anne. "You were supposed to take them down before they could do anything." Anne turns her attention to Darrel. "And you. How could you not tell us?" Darrel took a deep breath and said, "I had to know what the toads were planning."

Anne still looks upset at Darrel, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you," he said. "But I didn't know she would bring that big of an army." Knowing that they have a common enemy, Anne couldn't hold a grudge with him.

"Hey guys," said Marcy. "If we're going to stop the army, we also need to free the king, defeat Sasha and Grime, work through our emotional baggage, and finally redesign the current political systems so that this uprising never happens again."

Saying all that in one breath, Marcy takes a break speaking. "Gee, is that it?" Hop pop asked. "Yeah, it ain't looking good," said Polly in a sad tone. Frobo gives off a sad expression as well. The rest of the gang followed suit.

Anne however, wasn't willing to give up so easily. "Come on, you guys. We can do this. They may think that we're just a weak little frog family, a clumsy nerd, an unstable wizard, a big metal baby, and a goofy pushover. But they have no idea who they're dealing with."

She turns to Lady Olivia and General Yunan, "Except for you guys. I'm sure they think very highly of you two." "They do," said Yunan. "Just continue your speech," said Lady Olivia.

"We've been through alot together," Anne continued. "Cannibals, giant killer mobs, combining vegetables, you name it. And we're going to beat this too. Because when we're together, nothing can stand in our way. Now, who's ready to kick some toad butt?"

The group cheered at Anne's speech. And before she could gather everyone, she turns to Darrel. "Hey Darrel, I'm sorry I almost accused you of betraying us." "It's okay Anne," said Darrel. "I wasn't entirely sure of Sasha and Grime's plan. As a matter of fact, they boasted their victory too early."

"But I should've known you better," said Anne. She takes his hand and the two blush. "You are too kind to get involved in terrible situations." "Well we're all in this together right now," said Darrel. "Let's take a stand." "Okay guys," said Anne. The group gathers around to hear Anne's plan. "Here's how we're going to do it…"

Hop pop, Marcy, and Lady Olivia enter the dungeons to free King Andrias. Hop pop runs into the spotlight and gives a performance to the suspected toads. Lady Olivia had her doubts, but Hop pop wooed the audience and made them cry over his poetry. They sneak behind the toads and free the king.

Polly, General Yunan, and Frobo distracted the guards in the streets of Newtopia. Polly takes her small dagger and aims at the toads. Of course the toads laugh at her size, but then General Yunan and Frobo jump in to chase the guards.

Cronaxx and Tint make their way to the city gates and prepare to enchant a shield at the front door in case things go south. But the only way for that spell to work was that Darrel has to be on top channeling them from above.

At the same time, Sprig and Anne make their way to the top to close the gates. Darrel raises his staff and the shield activates, causing the toads to bang at it. "We don't have much time," said Anne. "Let's shut this gate already," "Right," said Sprig.

The two work together to shut the gates, only to find the door stop blocking the door. "Tint! Cronaxx! You have to take care of the door stop!" Anne cried. "I'll draw the toads' attention," said Darrel.

The three wizards remove their spell and get to moving the blocks out of the way. They concentrated hard to levitate the heavy door stoppers. Thankfully, Polly, Yunan, and Frobo were there to assist them.

As Darrel returns from drawing the toads away, and Anne and Sprig close the gates, they spot Sasha landing on the tower. The three take a stance, ready to fight. Meanwhile, Grime appears below and swings his hammer at the concentrated Cronaxx. One slam to the head knocked the old Salamander to the ground.

"Uncle!" Tint cried. He snaps his fingers, causing Grime's capr to catch on fire. He jumps back up to avoid any more conflict with the fire Salamander. "You'll pay for this!" Tint cried. "Keep moving the door block, I gotta tend to my Uncle" Polly, Yunan and Frobo nodded in agreement and kept pulling.

At the top of the tower Sasha put her hands up. "Woah, I don't want to fight. See?" Anne and Darrel spot Grime climbing up the wall. "Grime may beg to differ," said Darrel. "Don't worry, I got him," said Sprig. He jumps down to face Grime head on.

The three humans stood on the tower with smoke and wind blowing in the air. The scene was intense like time stood still for them. Anne stood her ground strong. Darrel, however, was curious.

"Why don't you want to fight, Sasha? We're foiling your plans." "I need you to listen to me," said Sasha. "There is something wrong with this Andrias guy. We should-" "You expect me to believe you?!" Anne asked. Darrel raised his hand, "Hold on Anne, let's hear what she has to say."

Darrel puts his staff down, "What about King Andrias? What makes you think he's bad?" "I saw a tapestry on the wall," said Sasha. "Andrias looked like he was up to something." "Don't tell me you're buying this Darrel," said Anne. "Anne, we don't know the king very well," said Darrel.

"Too bad," said Anne. "She's out of chances." Anne goes to close the gates, and Darrel tries one more time to talk her out of it. "Anne! Ever since the temples I have had nightmares and visions of what's going on in Amphibia. Not only are we prolonging the inevitable, but I'm at least trying to figure out what's really going on here. Do whatever you want. But I can't be responsible for what happens next."

"So you won't stand in my way?" Sasha asked. Darrel shook his head, "I need to know who's the puppet master of this world. And why are they pulling the strings?" Darrel steps aside, leaving Anne vulnerable to Sasha's attacks.

"Anne, I can't let you close that gate." Sasha draws out two swords, fit for dual wielding. "Oh yeah," said Anne as she drew her sword. "Just try and stop me!"

Both girls have at it with their attacks. Darrel just stood there, staying out of their conflict. He never wanted any part of Anne's frustration with Sasha, and he wanted to know more about King Andrias.

As Anne goes in to lunge at Sasha, she grabs her arms and tries to talk. "Anne, please!" "Too late Sasha!" Anne cried as she kicked her off. The two kept at it, with Darrel very anxious about who comes out on top.

Sasha disarms Anne's sword and prepares for the fighting to end. However, Anne's quick agility gives her the upper hand. She slides down behind Sasha, lifts her cape and covers her face. She goes over to close the gate and the toads are locked out.

Darrel stood by Anne's side with a nervous look on his face. 'This is the point of no return,' he thought. They hear a conch being blown by the freed king and look below. "Royal Newt Guard, Assemble!" he cried. They watch the toads inside the gates being rounded up by the newts, Grime being defeated by Sprig, and Tint tending to his unconscious uncle.

"End of the line Sash!" Anne cried. Sasha looks to see the newts victorious. "Oh no," she said. "I know," said Darrel. "It has begun." He takes a deep breath and escorts Sasha down from the tower.

The group returns to the castle with most of the toads locked away in the dungeon. Sasha and Grime were hogtied but followed them in. Tint was still tending to Cronaxx. "Come on, Uncle," he said. "Wake up, we won."

Just then, Cronaxx started to wake up. At first he flickered his eyes, but then he shot them wide open. "Uncle! You're awake!" Tint cheered. "I am," said Cronaxx. "And I'm remembering." "Remembering what?" Tint asked. "I remember everything," replied Cronaxx.

"You remember your youth?" Tint asked. "My youth, my journeys, my-" Suddenly, Cronaxx turned his head seeing all the violence standing still. "Tint, who won?" "We did," said Tint. "The gates are locked and the toads are locked away."

"No," said Cronaxx. "Come on! We have to stop them now!" "Uncle, what's wrong?" Tint asked. "The kids are in danger! If he gets his hands on the box, we're all doomed," said Cronaxx. "He who?" Tint asked.

Inside the throne room, nearly everyone was relieved that the siege was over. Darrel was uneasy, so were Sasha and Grime. And Polly was still trying to scratch her strange itchy spot on her butt. "Polly, stop scratching your butt, the king's almost here," said Sprig.

King Andrias enters the throne room with Hop pop, Marcy, and Lady Olivia. Sprig and Polly hug their grandfather, while Marcy hugs Anne. King Andrias stands proudly over the group, prepared for what's next.

"Okay, let's do this," he said. Sasha tried one more time to stop them. "Anne! Please don't give it to him!" Yunan covers her mouth with her tail, "Silence!"

Just as Anne gives King Andrias the box, Tint and Cronaxx storm in. Cronaxx runs with all his might, "NOOO!" But it was too late. Anne gave him the box, Cronaxx fell on his face, and Darrel perked up his stance as he saw the old wizard scared for his life.

"Okay big guy, send us home," said Anne. "He can't have the box!" Cronaxx cried out. He tries to use his magic to pull the box to him. But the bump on his head made him lose focus.

"In good time, dear kids," said King Andrias. "But first, I'm going to let you in on a little secret." 'Uh oh,' thought Darrel. "There was a time when Newtopia was truly great. But that greatness was stolen from us."

King Andrias went deep into his story of Newtopia long ago. "Centuries of prosperity were brought to an end because of me. I was weak. Trusting those who said they were my friends. And because of that, the music box was taken under my watch. It cost us everything. And after a thousand years, no one even remembers our legacy. But now, at long last, the box is back. And with its power, Newtopia will return to glory!"

"Oh well that's nice," said Hop pop. Darrel gasped, "No it isn't. My visions, that voice in the first temple. It was you!" "What?" Anne asked. "King Andrias is the puppetmaster," replied Darrel. "He's evil!" The group gasped, except for Cronaxx and Tint.

Andrias laughed, "Indeed! For you see, my ancestors weren't frail explorers. They were glorious conquerors!" Andrias steps on a hidden pad, and a column rises. He places the box on the column, activating the stones glow. The ground started to shake, the windows shattered bit by bit, and the castle began to glow.

Soon after, the castle began to rise from the ground revealing it to be a giant flying fortress. Sprig and Tint look below to see the castle floating. "Oh we are way high up," said Sprig. "This is some real Second Speculation type stuff here," said Darrel.

Then, the group finds what looks like rockets approaching the kingdom. They are revealed to be robot frogs, like Frobo. Except their armor was much darker, more buffer, with plasma cannons for arms, and red glowing eyes. 'Glowing red eyes,' thought Cronaxx. 'It's all coming back now.' The robots surrounded the group, all in shock and awe.

"I'm sorry Anne," said Andrias. "But I'm afraid you and your friends can't go home just yet. Wouldn't want you telling anyone about the coming invasion." "Invasion?" Darel asked. "What?" Anne asked.

"Now that I have the box back, I can finish the work my ancestors started," said Andrias. "From this castle, I will not rule only this world. But all worlds!" Andrias laughed in triumph.

"No!" Anne cried. "You'll never get away with this!" "Anne's right!" Sasha cried. "We'll stop you!" "Stop me?!" Andrias taunted. "I can see a demonstration of my power is in order!"

He presses the hidden buttons on the box, causing his castle's symbol to turn into a weapon. "Behold!" he bellowed as he pressed the button causing his weapon to fire. The blast was fired directly at the newly constructed Toad Tower. When the blast made contact, the tower exploded, reducing it to nothing but ash.

The group gasped in horror, mostly Grime and Sasha. To see that much power destroy a building, who knows what Andrias would do with such a weapon. "Anne, Darrel, we have to stop him," said Sasha. "He's crazy!"

Darre looks down in defeat. "I can't fight these things," he said. "This kind of technology is impervious to magic. No matter how hard I try, I can't make a dent in these robots." Cronaxx and Tint look at him with despair.

"I don't believe this," said Anne. "We were so focused on each other, we couldn't see what was right in front of us."

"And the best part," said Andrias. "Was that even the wisest of you all couldn't see my true intentions." "What are you talking about?" Sasha asked. "I couldn't have obtained the most powerful tool of all time. Because without him, it wouldn't have existed. Why don't you tell them, my friend?"

Andrias points to Cronaxx who sulks his head in shame. Darrel was shocked, but most of the group was confused. "Cronaxx," said Darrel. "Is he saying…?" Cronaxx nodded, "It's true. I created the Calamity Box."

The group gasped, "But why?" Sprig asked. Cronaxx took a deep breath and began his story. "A wizard's journey takes them to the ends of the world. I was young, and eager to learn the ways of magic. My teacher showed me that endless possibilities exist in the endless stars of the night sky. As I grew older, my ambitions to explore new worlds grew. However, I couldn't figure out a way to travel outside our world. But then, I learned about the stones."

"The stones on the box?" Tint asked. Cronaxx nodded, "I needed help to obtain the stones, then I needed materials to make sure the magic of the stones is under control. That's when I went to the King of Newtopia: King Andrias."

"Indeed," said Andrias. "I told him of my plans of traveling to new worlds," said Cronaxx. "And he was most pleased that we had others join us. Including my brother, your grandfather, Cyrus Tormak."

Tint was shocked that his grandfather had a role in this too. "So the robots…?" Cronaxx nodded, "Were made by your grandfather. That's why Frobo called you brother."

Cronaxx continued with his story. "Everything was going so well. Your grandfather designed the robots to withstand the traps designed to keep trespassers out while I recovered the stones. Some of us recorded the temples in our ancient history."

"The Ancient Order," whispered Anne. "And so, the box was created," said Cronaxx. "Thanks to the magic from me and other wizards, and crafters like Cyrus. My dreams were about to come true."

Then, Cronaxx frowned, "We showed the box to the king, and he was most pleased. Then one night, I heard constant arguing from the king and my brother. I couldn't see what was going on, but I heard every word. Cyrus stumbled onto Andiras' real plans. One thing led to another, and then things went too far. To hide the truth, the king made sure that Cyrus wouldn't tell anyone what he saw. I heard a sword being drawn. And then he…"

Cronaxx lowered his head in tears, "I realized that I made a mistake," he continued. "So I gathered my friends, who were friends of the king as well. And we decided that the best way to stop the king's true intentions was to hide all knowledge of the Calamity Box."

Andrias scowled at Cronaxx's story. "We stole the box and took it away from the kingdom," said Cronaxx. "I returned to my quarters and gathered all the records on how to make any more calamity boxes in case the original box broke. But as I crafted an exploding potion, I was ambushed by Cyrus' robots. Andrias turned my brother's work against me, and I had to make the ultimate sacrifice. I used my powers to include a memory loss charm to the potion. I slammed the potion to the ground causing my hut to explode and the crowd to scatter."

Cronaxx was almost done with his story, "I blacked out when I landed in the forest nearby. That explosion was how I got this scar." he points his scar to the group. "As I wandered the wilderness alone, I was later found by your father. He took me in and I regained my short term memory. But the rest of my memories were gone from existence, until now."

The group was amazed with how Cronaxx came to be. But Andrias was not. "All you did was delay the inevitable," he said. "We could've ruled countless worlds together." "My intentions were to explore. Not conquer," said Cronaxx. "You used me and my friends to get what you wanted. I refused, because I knew I would lose myself."

"Well, now you've made your choice," said Andrias. "Hey kids," said Hop pop, "If we can get the music box back from him. Maybe we'll stand a fighting chance." "If that's what it takes," said Darrel as he drew his staff. "Right," said Anne as she drew her sword.

Andrias snapped his fingers, commanding the robots to aim their plasma cannons at them. The group prepares for a fight, but some are shocked by Andrias' command. Before they could fire, Marcy stood up in front of the king.

"STOP!" she shouted. "Andrias, this wasn't the plan. You said no one would get hurt." Andrias shrugged, "I would have said anything if it meant you delivered the box to me fully charged. Hate to break it to you kiddo, but you've been duped."

Marcy was stunned and hurt, but she was not alone. So were Sasha, Anne, and Darrel. "Mar Mar, what's he talking about?" Anne asked. "Yeah, what plan?" Sasha asked. Marcy turned around to try and explain. "He promised he'd take us with him," she said "To the new worlds th-that we could have amazing adventures, just like this one, forever and ever."

"But why?" Darrel asked, "Why indeed," replied Andrias. "Enough lies Mar Mar." Darrel was shocked. To hear that Marcy used a lie, started to get to him. "If you don't tell them the truth. I will," said Andrias. Darrel was most curious. Either he had to hear the truth from his best friend, or from the enemy she associated with. "You wouldn't," said Marcy.

Seeing that Marcy wasn't going to tell them soon, Darrel decided. "What is she not telling us, Andrias?" he asked. Marcy was shocked to hear him say that. Andrias came up to his throne and sat down.

"Did it ever occur to you Darrel, Anne, Sasha?" he asked. "That one of you knew more than they were letting on?" "That one of you, might have gotten you stranded in Amphibia? On purpose?"

Anne, Sasha, and Darrel gasped in realization. Marcy texted them the music box back home. She said it was Anne's birthday gift, but they didn't know what it was. Only Marcy did! Marcy was the reason they were stuck in Amphibia in the first place.

"You've got to be kidding me," said Sasha. "No, it can't be," said Anne. "What? What?!" Darrel cried. "Oops," said Andrias. "Looks like I spilled the tea, as you kids say. Hehehe."

"Marcy, tell me it's not true," said Darrel. "You knew?" "I did it for us," replied Marcy. At that moment, Anne, Sasha, and Darrel's shock turned into hurt and betrayal. "You KNEW!" Darrel's teeth grinned, showing how upset he is.

Marcy tried to explain why she did it. "The day we left, your birthday, they told me, my dad got a new job out of state. They're making me move away. They were going to tear us apart!"

"Marcy," said a hurt Anne. "I..I found the box, I had no idea it would actually work but it did!" Marcy cried. She tried to keep her friends together, "And-and it sent us to a place where we never have to grow apart. Where the four of us could be friends together forever!"

Sasha just swiped her tied hands away from her, frustrated with how things turned out. Darrel was hurt, on the verge of tears. And Anne still couldn't believe that another best friend would betray her.

"How could you?!" Anne exclaimed. "I've been missing my parents! My life!" "But, look at how much fun we've had," said Marcy. She was also on the verge of tears as well. "Look at how much you three have grown. Look at Sprig. Look at Darrel. I gave you this! I gave you love! I gave you everything!"

"No," said Darrel. Sasha, Anne, and Marcy were scared hearing Darrel with a hurtful tone. "You didn't." Darrel walked up to Marcy, showing tears falling down from his face. "You took me away from my family. My mom. That's not okay. You think you're the only one going through bad situations?!"

Marcy tried to speak. "Darrel, what-" "MY MOM IS SICK MARCY!" he shouted. Marcy and Sasha were shocked to hear that Darrel, a kind shy hearted kid, was going through a rough patch in his life.

"She's terminally sick! Do you know what it's like?" he asked. "To wake up everyday and not know what's happening to your family?! To your MOM!? My mom was there for me when I needed it most! She gave me everything! Not you!" Darrel turned away from Marcy then looked back at her.

"All this time," he said. "I should've been there to help her. But instead, you dragged us here in some alternate world. Just so you could live out your ridiculous roleplaying fantasy, and not have to move away. If anything happens to my mom, and I wasn't there, I will never forgive myself! I hope you can live with that, Marcy! Because this is the most selfish thing you have ever done!"

Sasha walked up to Darrel, "Your mom is sick?" Darrel nodded, "I couldn't tell you guys. I didn't know how you would respond." Darrel walks away from Marcy, and Anne backs away from who she called her best friend.

Marcy couldn't help but watch them back up or walk away. She falls to her knees crying her heart out. "I just..didn't want to be alone," she said. "Well, I don't want my mom to be alone," said Darrel. "But look how that turned out."

Andrias couldn't help but smile at their expense. Especially Marcy's who's attempt to keep her friends together instantly pushed her away. "Well I guess that's what you get for pouring your heart out to me over Flipwart," he said.

Still feeling hurt and betrayed, Anne looks to the Plantars, then Darrel and the Salamanders, then Sasha and Grime. Then, she turned to Andrias "The four of us may have made some mistakes," she said. "But you, you're evil!" "Here we go," said Andrias.

"And I'm going to stop you," said Anne. "Right here, right now!" She draws her sword, and Darrel, seeing her step up to the bigger threat, joins her. "Sasha!" Darrel cried. "Get ready." Sasha smiles, and quickly shows him their photo, "I've got your backs guys," she said. Anne slices her bindings, while Darrel burns Grime's off. "And I've got yours," he said.

Frobo gives them their weapons back, and Sasha gives Darrel one of her swords. "You'll need it," she said. "Thanks," said Darrel. Cronaxx, Tint, and the Plantars stood by their human friends. "We're with you Anne. Till the end," said Sprig.

"You guys are serious," said Andrias. "Okay," He draws out his weapon, a large fire plasma sword fit for a king his size. "Let's have some fun," he said. Sasha, Anne, and Darrel lead charge, slicing and dicing robots. Even though he was used to his staff, Darrel showed excellent skills with a sword.

Everyone fought hard against the king, even Marcy went to help her friends. They proved themselves to be strong against the robots, but Andrias wasn't pleased with their success. "ENOUGH!" He shouted. He slams his sword down, splitting up the group. Then, he goes after Polly, the youngest of the group.

"POLLY! NO!" Anne cried. Frobo comes to her rescue, holding the king in place. "Polly, I will save you," he said. "Oh look at that," said Andrias. "One of my robots. Must be defective." He slams his fist down, destroying Frobo and leaving his head with the group.

Polly was sad seeing her friend destroyed. "You Monster!" she cried. "Don't worry," said Andrias. "You're up next." "Andrias, No!" cried Darrel. "She's just a tadpole!" But Andrias wouldn't listen.

He slams his fist down, but soon discovers that she's not there anymore. "Over here you big bozo!" As the puff of smoke disappears, she reveals to the group her newly grown legs. Little stubby like her hands, but legs nonetheless.

"MY LITTLE BABY'S GOT LEGS!" Hop pop cheered with joy. "This is weird," said Sprig. "Polly," Sasha cried. "Get the box, Get the box!" Polly does so, using her legs with tremendous speed.

"Stop that little brat!" Andrias shouted. The robots try to shoot her with their plasma blasts, but Polly dodges them. She jumps onto the column and grabs the calamity box. "Got it!" But just as she removed the box, the castle began to power down and slowly descend to the ground.

The group cheered, but that victory was short lived. "Not so fast!" Andrias boomed. "You all got spunk, real chutzpah. But this ends now." He shows them Sprig and Tint in his grip, scaring the others. "Guys, don't listen to this bully," said Sprig. "We'll be fine."

"We'll see," said Andiras as he reaches them out the window. "Now put back the box, or these twerps learn how to fly." Darrel and Anne were horrified. "Darrel, Anne, don't," said Tint. Andrias tightens his grip, choking them.

"STOP!" Darrel cried. "STOP! PLEASE!" "Polly, do what he says," said Anne. Unable to lose her brother, Polly places the box back on the column. "Okay," said Darrel. "Now give them back. I'm begging you!"

Andrias looks to his hostages and smiles, "You've got what you wanted," said Anne. "Please put them down. They're our best friends. In this world, or any other world."

"That's the thing about friends isn't it?" Andrias asked. "The more you love them, the more it hurts when they go." He turns to Cronaxx, who is scared of what's about to happen. "Since you betrayed me Cronaxx, allow me to demonstrate. BY ENDING YOUR BLOODLINE!"

He drops Sprig and Tint out the window and the two fall. Darrel tried to use his magic, but it was too far to reach them. Hop pop, Polly, and Cronaxx were horrified. Anne and Darrel were shocked.

Suddenly, something triggered inside their hearts. All they could think about were the friends they bonded with in Amphibia. And they weren't about to lose them in an instant. With rage and hurt in their eyes, down on their knees. Anne's eyes started glowing blue. While Darrel's eyes glowed red. Darrel's rage cry bellowed through the halls

The two stones from the box started flickering again, and then their auras channeled within Darrel and Anne. Sasha, Marcy, and the others were surprised. King Andrias was shocked. He knew what was happening to them. "No, it can't be," he said.

While everyone was distracted, Marcy jumped out the window and called for Joe Sparrow. She flies through the sky to rescue Sprig and Tint from falling.

Back in the castle, Anne and Darrel were still glowing. "They're still connected to the stones," said Andrias. "But that's impossible!" "What's going on?" Hop pop asked. "I don't know," replied Grime. "Maybe it's a human thing!"

Anne and Darrel get up from their knees, as Anne's hair glows blue, and Darrel's hair glows red. Winds surrounding the two humans started picking up. "This is not a human thing," said Sasha. As a human herself, she knew that this was not her definition of normal, it was extraordinary.

Darrel tightens his grip on the Eternal staff, which causes the crystal to loosen from it's handle. The crystal slightly levitates and gives off a powerful glow of light. The branches from his head turned into sharp horn like structures, his hat pointed up like a garden gnome.

"Give them back," said Anne in a demonic voice. Then it was Darrel's turn to speak. "Give THEM BAAAAAAAACKK!" As the two disappeared, the robots sudden;y puffed into smoke. The group could not believe what was going on with their friends.

Cronaxx was excited, while Andrias was stunned. The two humans appeared and gave a punch and a blast at Andrias. They knocked off his crown in the process, making Cronaxx cheer. "What's happening to them, Cronaxx?" Hop pop asked. "They are still connected with the stones," said Cronaxx. "All is not lost."

Darrel and Anne fight Andiras with all their might. Slamming him down with the power of the stones. He tried to stop them with his shield, even roaring at his enemies. But Darrel's roar was so powerful that it shook the room and damaged the columns surrounding them. They break through Andrias' shield and he falls to his knees.

"Give them back," said Darrel. Suddenly, the two start to lose their strength and break connections with the stones. They fall, losing consciousness. Andrias takes this to his advantage, "Look like they can't control it." He takes his sword and approaches them.

Hop pop, Polly, and Cronaxx run to their aid. "Come on,"said Hop pop. "Get up kids," "The stones took too much of their energy," said Cronaxx. "They need to save their strength." Darrel groans, making Cronaxx smile. "You truly are a wizard," he said. "Just like my nephew."

"Anne! Darrel!" Sprig and Tint cried out. Darrel and Anne barely wake up to see them running toward them. "Sprig! Tint! You're alive," said Anne. The four hug each other with delight. "Marcy caught us just in time," said Tint. This statement surprised both Anne and Darrel.

However, their touching reunion was short lived by Andrias toppling over them. "I have to admit," he said. "Even I'm surprised. Somehow, you still got the gifts, kids. Which means, I can't let you live!" He takes his sword prepared to strike down on the family. Darrel tries to cast a shield, but with little strength, he isn't able to do it.

Suddenly, the castle began to power down again. Causing Cronaxx to fall back from the group. They turned around to find the box missing. But then, it was revealed that Marcy took it to try and open a portal home. "Please work, please work, please work." she begged.

"NO!" Andrias cried as he charged to Marcy. Sasha and Grime stop him in his tracks prepared to fight again. "Me and Grime will hold him," said Sasha. "Just go!" Darrel and Anne nodded. "We'll come back for you," said Darrel. "I Promise!"

Darrel, Anne, the Plantars, Tint, and Frobo's head make their way to the portal. "Quick into the portal everyone," said Marcy. "Hurry!" Cronaxx gets back up to see them make their way. But as he does, he spots Andrias overpowering Sasha and Grime. "THE BOX!" Andrias cried.

Cronaxx couldn't lose his nephew again, so he used his magic to race to the portal. Darrel, Anne, Tint, and the Plantars were about to cross. But Marcy was still on the other side. "Marcy, Cronaxx, Hurry!" Anne cried.

Marcy needed more time, "I just need to-" "LOOK OU-" Cronaxx jumped behind Marcy, with his hat fallen on the ground. Cronaxx and Marcy then felt a piercing coming from the region of their hearts. They look down to see that they've been both pierced by Andrias' sword. "No," whispered Cronaxx.

Andrias felt disappointed, "Now look what you've made me do, old friend," he said. The two wounded friends look up to the others. "I..I'm sorry," said Marcy. "For everything." "I'm sorry….my friends," said Cronaxx. "I tried….."

The guys could not believe what just happened. Marcy and Cronaxx have been stabbed by King Andrias. "MARCY!" Anne cried. "UNCLE!" Tint cried in tears. Darrel shouted, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Both Marcy and Cronaxx fell to the floor. Marcy dropped the box, then a bright light filled the room.

The gang wakes up from the bright light, still shaken up. Only to find themselves waking up on the hood of someone's car. That's right, a human car. Inside the car, a family was shocked, and took their picture. They turn around and find themselves in the middle of an active highway.

"Oh my frog," said Sprig. "What is this place?" Hop pop asked. An emotionless Darrel responded, "Los Angeles, California." "You know this place?" Tint asked. "How could I not?" Darrel responded. Anne only said one word to sum up where they are, "Home."

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