
A Damsel In Need

Yin-Yang Unification Art was a phenomenal cultivation method. It was so grand that one could even build their entire cultivation foundation using this method only, and it would work for Qi, body, and spirit. A triad of benefits packed into a single wisp. Of course that was only in comparison to average cultivation arts. When put in perspective with the ones he had chosen, it was vastly paled in comparison.

It was an art that was created for both males and females to practice. In fact, if both parties engaged in dual cultivation using this art, the effect would be enhanced several-fold compared to if only a single partner used it.

Essentially, the art boiled down to two methods. Using Yin to grow Yang and using Yang to nourish Yin. In the cultivation art there was a method called Yang Ascension Sutra that could be used by a male to grow their Yang energy. There was another method called Yin Nourishment Scripture for females that used the released Yang energy to enhance their Yin.

This practice would stimulate the vital Yin/Yang energies of both parties and nourish their cultivation. It was a wonderful method, and unlike the previous one, it wasn't shrouded in fog. That's why Su Yan knew all three stages of the method.

The very first stage was called Prime Unification, where during the act of dual cultivation, both of the partners minds would become one. It would enhance their rate of cultivation, but the method required a certain level of trust.

Then there was Prime Duality, where their bodies would become one. This was a very sacred act in which their minds and bodies would exist in unity, enhancing their cultivation by leaps and bounds.

At last there was Prime Unity. This was the stage where there were no secrets between your partner and you. Where you could trust your very lives to them and have firm belief that even in reincarnation you would meet again, for there was no one more dear to you than your partner, not even yourself.

Su Yan felt troubled at the method a bit. It basically required a partner to be trustworthy and someone whom you could love. Although he could still practice using the very basic level of the art, the higher level were so tempting that he very much wanted to find himself a wife or something.

"What am I thinking?" Shaking his head, Su Yan felt a flicker of disappointment take hold in his heart. It was explicitly stated that there needed to be a certain amount of love and trust between the partners. He couldn't just wish for something like that to happen. Matters like that took years to develop.

There was one interesting thing about the art; it was another method called Yin Soul Gaze and allowed one to discern a female's Yin energy. There were some people born with special physiques in the world, and although most of them didn't provide any major boost to their cultivation, some did.

If he could find a female with a physique that enhanced her Yin energy, then he could very well advance in his cultivation by leaps and bounds. Some might say that he was being selfish, and Su Yan would agree. Selfishness didn't mean he was deceiving others; it just meant that he and any future partner would only come into a relationship expecting a reward. If it developed beyond the bounds of physical intimacy, then he would welcome it with open arms.

As he was contemplating the various aspects of the dual cultivation, Su Yan heard a noise from below. Startled, he peered downward and was shocked to find two men dragging a reluctant woman against the tree. Curious, he watched the event unfold without making a peep.

The two wore rugged clothing and carried crude swords. They had scruffy beards and grimy hair. He heard one of them say, "Keep quiet, bitch; you don't want to wake the rest of them."

The other man spat on the ground and replied. "Don't worry, Zhen, we are already a fair distance from the camp."

"Fair enough." The man grinned back, and with one mighty push, he hauled the girl against the tree. The girl in question was young, dirty, and wearing what may as well have been a dirty rag. It was torn in places and covered in suspicious stains. The man pulled at the rag with enough force to tear it off, leaving the girl trembling and naked.

Su Yan narrowed his eyes and debated whether he should make a move. He wasn't a good Samaritan by any means, but there was a call to follow one's heart. Just the same way he wouldn't kill an innocent child, he could sometimes feel the need to act in a different way.

Decision made, he glanced down at the shivering female form and sighed. Turning around, he silently made his way to the opposite branch and then dropped down to the ground. Taking a roundabout way, he walked over just as the man was beginning to untie his pants.

"Good evening, gentlemen." Su Yan greeted. "You wouldn't happen to know the way out of this forest, would you? You see, we are a bit lost."

The man turned with a scowl marring his features. "Who the fuck are you?"

"Just a traveler." Su Yan shrugged.

The other man frowned and asked, "Wait, you said 'we,' didn't you?"

"Ah yes, of course." He nodded. "Our retinue had lost its way among these trees, and my young master is very pissed. It would be in both of our interests if you could provide some help."

"And why the hell would we do that?" The first man asked with a snort.

Su Yan smiled. "I see what the problem is here." He lifted a finger and fiddled with the pocket in his clothes, pulling out a bronze amulet. "You see, my young master is from the Yang clan, so unless you two want to die right where you stand, you had best listen to me and follow my orders."

The two men exchanged a glance, a flicker of worry passing between them. "And why would we trust you?" The second man asked. "Where's your young master?"

"Oh, he's close by." He pointed to the direction he came from. "We heard some noise, and I was sent to check it out. So here I am."

"We need to talk to our captain about this." The second man spoke. "And if you were found lying, the captain would eat you alive."

"No problem."

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