
CHAPTER 20: Claustrophobia

  Steeling myself for a productive day, I arrived at the office determined to maintain a professional behavior. No lingering glances in Alexander's direction, no stolen moments of conversation. Today, I was Evie Moore, the efficient assistant, ready to tackle my tasks with laser focus.

  The morning unfolded in a flurry of emails, phone calls, and meticulously prepared reports. Lunchtime found me catching up with Via in the bustling cafeteria. She excitedly flipped through her phone, showing me photo after photo of the charity ball the night before.

  "Look at you and Alexander," she gushed, zooming in on a picture where we stood side-by-side. "Every girl there must have been jealous!"

  I forced a smile. "Via, it was just a work event. There's nothing going on between us."

  "Maybe not yet," she teased, a knowing twinkle in her eye. "But who knows what the future holds?"

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